NURS 6052 Discussion Searching Databases Walden

NURS 6052 Discussion Searching Databases Walden

NURS 6052 Discussion Searching Databases Walden

Searching Databases.

When nerve signals between the bladder and the brain do not work effectively, it results in Overactive bladder (OAB). About 30% of men and 40% of women in the U.S. live with OAB (Urology Care Foundation,2020). A well-constructed PICOT question helps find the best evidence available to influence practice. The question should be formulated before starting a literature search (Melnyk, et al. 2009).

PICO(T) Question: Does the InterStim neuromodulator implant for the treatment of Overactive bladder really work by decreasing or even stopping urinary urgency and frequency?

To formulate questions in Evidence Based Practice, the PICO(T) format is used. PICO(T) is a mnemonic derived from:

Population/Patient problem: Patients diagnosed with Overactive Bladder.NURS 6052 Discussion Searching Databases Walden
NURS 6052 Discussion Searching Databases Walden

Intervention: Insertion of a neuro modulator implant.
Comparison: Alternative treatments such as Diet modification, Bladder training, use of Anticholinergic drugs, Kegel exercises, Hydrodistension of the bladder, Bladder Botox
Outcome: Reduction of day and nighttime frequency as well as episodes of uncontrollable urgency.
Time: (Time element is not always included): Trial implant for a week, if symptoms improve within a week, a permanent neuromodulator is implanted under the skin of the upper buttock and connected to the sacral nerve by way of a wire tunneled under the skin.
CINAHL Plus with Full Text and Medline with full text were the two databases used for the research.

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MEDLINE with full text search:

Original Term: Overactive bladder. This resulted in 10,322 articles. I limited my search to articles within 11 years, only peer reviewed, full text articles When I added search terms using Boolean operators, it resulted in 3 articles.

CINAHL Plus with Full Text search:

Original Term: Overactive bladder resulted in 7,822 articles. When I added search terms using Boolean operators, it resulted in 12 articles.

One strategy to increase the effectiveness of a database search for a PICO(T) question is to be specific in using the keywords for your search. I had a difficult time initially finding information for treatments for Overactive bladder, using the InterStim treatment. I also learned that the search cannot be a long, broad search, however it should be disease specific and search using minimal words. Also know the correct abbreviation of the keywords you want to use in your search, I attempted to use O.B. for Overactive bladder instead of O.A.B, and it yielded no results.


Library of Congress(n.d.). Boolean Operators and Nesting. Retrieved December 21, 2020 from

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2018). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.

Urology Care Foundation. (2020). What is Overactive bladder? Retrieved on December 21, 2020 from

Walden University Library. (n.d.-a). Databases A-Z: Nursing. Retrieved December 21,2020 from