NSB204 Assessment Task 2



Assessment name: Case Study

Task description: This assignment aims to help you to begin to use your professional and clinical

judgement to think like nurses working in a mental health setting and/or in relation to

the mental health needs of people regardless of the setting.

Relevant to the person in your selected case scenario, your assignment will demonstrate your understanding of the following:

• Mental Status Examination (MSE)

• A clinical formulation using the biopsychosocial model

• Recognising and responding to the mental health needs of the identified person by identifying best practice nursing interventions.

• How to engage a person in a therapeutic relationship

NSB204 Assessment Task 2

What you need to do: Choose from one of the two case studies below. Each case study is a person who is experiencing difficulties related to a mental health disorder.

1. Case scenario one: Natasha

2. Case scenario two: Tom

Please follow the steps outlined below to answer this assignment question. 1. The Mental Status Examination [250 words +/- 10%] Using the mental state examination (MSE) format from your tutorial guide, complete

an MSE of the person from information provided in your selected case study.

Use health terms correctly (for instance, instead of “talks fast” use the correct term “pressure of speech”)

The opening sentence must clearly state your chosen case study.

In text references are not required for this section

2. Clinical Formulation [250 words +/- 10%]

Using information provided in your selected case study complete a clinical

formulation identifying relevant indicators using the 5Ps framework: presenting,

predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating, and protective factors. Include

biopsychosocial factors relevant to the person in the case study.

You may choose to present the clinical formulation in a table or in paragraph format,

ensure responses remain in sentence form.

In text references are not required for this section

3. The Therapeutic Relationship [300 words +/- 10%]

The therapeutic relationship is an important part of the nurse’s role. Explain why the

provision of a therapeutic relationship would be a priority for the nurse when working

with the person from your selected case study. Select one strategy you would use to

develop the therapeutic relationship and provide a rationale for use adapted to

respond to the specific needs of the client in the case. You may consider the recovery

model, person centred care or cultural safety in developing your response.

Academic paragraphs integrating evidence-based literature are expected.

4. Nursing care plan [700 words +/- 10%]

Develop a nursing plan of care for the individual in the case study. Base your plan of

care on information identified in your mental state examination, including your risk

assessment and information identified in your clinical formulation.

– List 2 priority problems in your nursing plan of care

– For each priority problem, identify and describe one evidence-based (non-

pharmacological) nursing intervention to address them. (Each intervention

must identify how it will address the priority care area within a recovery-

orientated framework).

– Identify what assessment data would indicate the interventions are positively

impacting the individual in the case study.

Academic paragraphs integrating evidence-based literature are expected.

Length: 1500 words +/- 10% (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list).

Estimated time to complete task:

40 hours

NSB204 Assessment Task 2

Weighting: 40%

How will I be assessed: +/- 7 point grading scale using a rubric

Due date: See Blackboard site for details of due date and submission requirements.

Presentation requirements:

Your assignment should be written in CiteWrite APA style and prepared as follows:

• Cover sheet with the assessment title, your name, student number, tutor

name (not necessarily the Unit Coordinator) and word count.

• Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code

and page number.

• 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text

• Use single font, such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri; font size 12

• Referencing

o CiteWrite APA7 style referencing.

o It is a requirement that you include page numbers for all in-text

references. E.g. (Smith, 2020, p.34). (See


o Note: markers will be checking references to see that you have

accurately represented the source. Inaccurate citations or falsifying

your references is academic misconduct and will be reported.

• Headings can be used to structure your assignment logically e.g. The mental

State Examination

• You do not need an introduction or a conclusion

• Be written in academic style using full sentences and paragraphs unless

stated otherwise

• References should be no older than 7 years

What you need to submit:

Submit one Word document via Turnitin that contains the following items:

• Copy of email if you have received an extension

• Cover sheet

• Responses to each question clearly identified

• Reference list at the end of your assignment

NSB204 Assessment Task 2


Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2, 3, 4, 5 Weighting: 40%

Criteria +/- 7 +/- 6 +/- 5 +/- 4 +/- 3 +/- 2 1

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of MSE & Clinical Formulation

Weighting 30%

Completed the MSE effectively to present a comprehensive mental

status assessment of the consumer. Informative and

accurate clinical formulation that fully addressed all 5Ps.

Consistently used examples from the case study.

Demonstrated accurate application of correct

psychiatric terminology throughout

Completed the MSE effectively to present a comprehensive mental

status assessment of the consumer. Informative and

accurate clinical formulation that fully addressed all 5Ps.

Consistently used examples from the case study.

Demonstrated accurate application of correct

psychiatric terminology throughout

Completed the MSE effectively to present a mostly comprehensive

mental status assessment of the consumer.

Informative clinical formulation that mostly addressed all 5Ps.

Used examples from the case study.

Demonstrated mostly accurate application of correct psychiatric

terminology throughout

Completed the MSE to present a mental status assessment of the

consumer. Clinical formulation addressed some of the

5Ps. Used a few examples from the case study.

Demonstrated application of some

correct psychiatric terminology

Attempted to complete the MSE to present a mental status

assessment of the consumer; some important elements

missing. Clinical formulation addressed some of the

5Ps; some important elements missing. Used very few

examples from the case study.

Demonstrated application of occasional correct

psychiatric terminology

Minimal attempt to complete the MSE to present a mental status

assessment of the consumer; many important elements

missing. Clinical formulation addressed some of the

5Ps; many important elements missing. Minimal use of

examples from the case study.

Demonstrated minimal application of correct psychiatric terminology

Minimal to no attempt to complete the MSE to present

a mental status assessment of the consumer; many to

all important elements missing. Clinical formulation

did not address most or all the 5Ps; many important elements

missing. Minimal to no use of examples from the

case study. Did not demonstrate

application of correct psychiatric terminology

Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of strategy for development of therapeutic relationship

Weight 15%

Provides critical understanding of the

relevance and importance of the therapeutic

relationships as part of the nurse’s role. Your proposed nursing

strategy is highly appropriate and clearly articulates rationale for

implementation for the case study. Comprehensively

supported with current evidence-based literature that is valid,

authoritative, and relevant 

Provides mostly in- depth understanding of

the relevance and importance of the therapeutic relationship

as part of the nurse’s role. Your proposed nursing

strategy is appropriate and articulates rationale for implementation for

the case study. Almost always supported by high

quality evidence-based literature that is valid, authoritative, and


Provides understanding of the relevance and

importance of the therapeutic relationship as part of the nurse’s

role. Your proposed nursing strategy is mostly

appropriate and discusses rationale for implementation for the

case study. Mostly supported by high quality evidence-

based literature that is valid, authoritative, and relevant. 

Provides some understanding of the

relevance and importance of the therapeutic relationship

as part of the nurse’s role. Your proposed nursing

strategy is not highly appropriate and rationale for

implementation for the case study not strongly identified.

Limited support from high quality evidence-

based literature that is valid, authoritative, and relevant 

Provides minimal understanding of the

relevance and importance of the therapeutic relationship

as part of the nurse’s role. Your proposed nursing

strategy is not appropriate and minimal rationale discussed for

implementation for the case study. Very limited support

from high quality evidence-based literature that was valid,

authoritative, and relevant. 

Very limited to no understanding of the

relevance and importance of the therapeutic relationship

as part of the nurse’s role. Your proposed nursing

strategy is not appropriate and no rational provided for

implementation for the case study.

Very limited to no support from high quality evidence-based

literature that was valid, authoritative, and relevant. 

No indication of understanding of the

therapeutic relationship as part of the nurse’s role.

No nursing strategy proposed and / or no rational discussed

for implementation for the case study.

Not supported with high quality evidence-based

literature that was valid, authoritative, and relevant. 

NSB204 Assessment Task 2

Person-centred Nursing Care

Weighting 35%

Clearly and accurately identified two (2) of the highest priority

problems. Each problem is addressed with a highly

relevant, comprehensive nursing intervention. Both

interventions integrate the recovery-model framework and are

informed and justified by high quality evidence-based

literature and practice. Evaluation of each intervention is clearly

outlined and well suited to the intervention.

Clearly identified two (2) priority problems. Each problem is

addressed with a relevant nursing intervention. Both

interventions integrate the recovery-model framework and are

informed and justified by high quality evidence-based

literature and practice. Evaluation of each intervention is outlined

and well suited to the intervention.

Identified two (2) priority problems. Each problem is

addressed with a somewhat relevant nursing intervention.

Both interventions integrate some elements of the

recovery-model framework and are mostly informed and

justified by high quality evidence-based literature and practice.

Evaluation of each intervention is outlined and mostly suited to the


Identified two (2) priority problems. Each or one problem is addressed

with a nursing intervention that is not highly relevant to the

problem. Interventions attempt to integrate some elements of the

recovery-model framework and are mostly informed and

justified by high quality evidence-based literature and practice.

Evaluation of each intervention is attempted and mostly

suited to the intervention.

Incorrect identification of one or two priority problems. One or both

problems not addressed with appropriate nursing interventions. Minimal

integration of elements of the recovery-model framework into the

interventions and are not informed or justified with high quality

evidence-based literature and practice. Evaluation of each

intervention is attempted but is not appropriate to the


Identified priority problem(s) not appropriate to the client.

One or both problems not addressed with appropriate nursing

interventions. Minimal to no integration of elements of the

recovery-model framework into the interventions and are

not informed or justified with high quality evidence-based

literature and practice. Evaluation of each intervention is not

appropriate to the intervention.

Either no problems are identified or they are not appropriate

to the client. Appropriate nursing interventions not

identified. No integration of any elements of the

recovery-model framework into the interventions.

Interventions not supported with high quality evidence-

based literature and practice. No evaluation of

interventions identified

Communicates in academic writing, incorporating expected information literacy standards    Weighting 20% 

Logically structured,

clearly expressed and professionally presented case study response that adhered

fully to the task requirements. Consistently used

professional, non- discriminatory language.

Frequently correct spelling and grammar. Consistently and

accurately cited sources & applied QUT APA style of referencing.

Kept to word limit. 

Met, for the most part,

the presentation requirements. Expressed your ideas concisely and fluently

with correct spelling and grammar. Almost always used

professional non- discriminatory language.

Almost always cited sources correctly & applied QUT APA style

of referencing. Kept to word limit. 

Met several aspects of

the presentation requirements. Usually expressed your ideas clearly with

correct spelling and grammar. Mostly used

professional non- discriminatory language.

Mostly cited sources correctly and applied QUT APA style of

referencing. Kept to word limit 

Met a few aspects of

the presentation requirements. Expressed your ideas clearly.

Sometimes used professional non- discriminatory

language Occasionally cited sources and sometimes

correctly applied QUT APA style of referencing.

Kept to word limit. 

Met few aspects of the

presentation requirements. Ideas were often not expressed clearly.

Examples identified of non-professional and discriminatory

language. Rarely cited sources or correctly applied QUT

APA style of referencing. Was under or over the

word limit. 

Many errors in

presentation requirements. Ideas were not expressed clearly.

Many examples identified of non- professional and

discriminatory language. Rarely cited sources or correctly

applied QUT APA style of referencing. Was significantly under

or over the required word limit. 

Has not

communicated in academic writing incorporating expected academic

integrity standards &/or information literacy standards 

Satisfactorily complied with the Academic Integrity standards outlined in the MOPP C/5.3 Academic Integrity.
