Medication and Role in ADHD Treatment Essay

Medication and Role in ADHD Treatment Essay

For many decades, ADHD has been treated using a stimulant medication. As far as its efficacy is concerned, medication is essential in controlling the symptoms of ADHD. However, if used alone, medication is not an easy cure; indeed, it will be unsuccessful. The assertion that medication as a method of transforming the behavioral patterns of learners suffering from ADHD in an inclusive setting is not only effective, but it also holds true (Smith et al. 2012). With this regard, this paper aims at deriving well researched and documented evidence to support this assertion.Medication and Role in ADHD Treatment Essay

It is worthwhile and justifiable to indicate that using medication to modify the behavior of students with ADHD is essential. However, it should be used along with other non-medicated methods. The validity of this position is backed by the NIMH (2004) who conducted a study on Children with ADHD. From NIMH’s study, out of four groups of treatment; community support, medication only, behavior therapy and combination of medication and behavior therapy, medication and behavior therapy combined is the most effective. This is because it was found to decrease depression, lowering social skills problems, improving academic performance, and it was paramount in improving parental relationships. Similar inferences can be inferred from the findings of the research conducted by Reid, Trout and Schartz (2005) that revealed that medication is the most appropriate treatment of the symptoms associated with ADHD. Additionally, Reid, Trout and Schartz’s research also recommended that ADHD patients should never be kept in isolation.Medication and Role in ADHD Treatment Essay