Medical Bioethics – Eugenics Essay

Medical Bioethics – Eugenics Essay

Bioethics is concerned with some of the most disturbing topics, such as the nature of life, what kind of life is worth inhabiting and the nature of death.  Eugenics on the other hand refers to the study of the activities under social control that may improve mentally or physically the ethnic qualities of future generations (Galton, 1904). The intersection of ethical principles, medical practice/experiments and medical technology, is an imperative field of study. However, the speedy advances in medical technology have turned it to be the most vital field of ethics in today’s world. This is because some of them are immoral and insensitive to ethical principles.Medical Bioethics – Eugenics Essay

Numerous experiments that are considered unethical have been performed on human test subjects in the U. S. They were performed illegally, without the consent or knowledge of the test subjects. This was a violation of all the human/patient’s rights. These experiments included surgical experiments, deliberate infection of individuals with deadly diseases, exposing people to chemical and biological weapons, injecting of people with radioactive/toxic chemicals, amongst other heinous medical experiments (Bekier, 2010). Some of these tests were performed on sick, young children, prisoners, and mentally disabled individuals in the guise of genuine medical treatment.