How can liver and renal diseases result in abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)?

Principles of Toxicology
April 28, 2021
Mercury Induced Alzheimer’s Disease
April 28, 2021

How can liver and renal diseases result in abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)?

How can liver and renal diseases result in abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)?

How can liver and renal diseases result in abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)?

a. They cause an imbalance in platelet aggregation.
b. They result in an inability to adequately clear estrogen from the body.
c. They cause thyroid dysfunction, which leads to bleeding abnormalities.
d. They result in elevated prolactin levels, which lead to bleeding abnormalities.



What is now thought to be the most important causative agent in cervical cancer?

b. Vulvar cancer
c. Herpes simplex
d. HPV



An initial or primary genital herpes infection characteristically lasts about:

a. 1 week
b. 3 weeks
c. 1 month
d. 6 weeks



Which contraceptive methods have inherent failure rates?

a. None
b. Some
c. All
d. All except sterilization