HLT 307 Week 1 Discussion Question One

HLT 307 Week 1 Discussion Question One
HLT 307 Week 1 Discussion Question One

Academic integrity is at the heart of GCU’s values and is integral to our university community. According to the Center for Academic Integrity, there are five fundamental values that are central to academic integrity: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Before responding to this Discussion Question, view GCU’s website on Academic Integrity athttp://www.gcu.edu/Academics/Academic-Integrity.php

Pay special attention to the Policies and Resources section of this site.

Consider the following scenario: A student took a communication course his freshman year and passed it with a grade of A. Four years later, the student is now taking a leadership course that has a similar assignment to one he completed his freshman year. He reuses

HLT 307 Week 1 Discussion Question One
HLT 307 Week 1 Discussion Question One

one of his assignments and submits it as an assignment in his current, leadership class.

Is this considered a violation of academic integrity? Explain your answer with consideration given to the five fundamental values of the Center for Academic Integrity and the specific policies of the Center.

Academic integrity
Academic integrity is:

Quotation marks

‘the expectation that teachers, students, researchers and all members of the academic community act with: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.’

Breaching academic integrity is also known as ‘academic misconduct’ or ‘academic dishonesty’.

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All Australian higher education students are expected to uphold academic integrity during their studies. An important way of upholding your academic integrity is by contacting your teachers or your school if you are having study problems and working with them on solutions.

Studying and learning provides the knowledge expected of a graduate from your course but any form of cheating means that you could miss important professional knowledge and practice that you need to succeed in your future career.

Protecting your reputation
Students become part of a learning community when they study. Actions that undermine the academic integrity of your course or institution could affect your reputation in the future. For example, if you are caught cheating during your studies, professional bodies may refuse to accredit you.

Avoiding criminals
Maintaining academic integrity also protects you from criminals.

Commercial cheating services are illegal in Australia.
Students who use illegal cheating services, to buy an essay, study notes or have someone impersonate them in an exam, are also at risk of blackmail. Operators of illegal cheating services can threaten to inform the university or the student’s future employer about their cheating unless the student pays them a large sum of money – sometimes years after the cheating took place.

Behaviours that support academic integrity
Tick mark in jigsaw piece

You can support academic integrity by1:

acknowledging where the information you use comes from, clearly citing or referencing the source
sitting your own exams and submitting your own work
accurately reporting research findings and abiding by research policies
using information appropriately, according to copyright and privacy laws
acting ethically or doing the ‘right thing’, even when you are facing difficulties.
If you are having problems that could affect your academic performance, it is best to speak to your lecturer or tutor or course coordinator.

Behaviours that undermine academic integrity
Cross mark in jigsaw piece

A range of student behaviours can undermine academic integrity. Sometimes, students mistakenly believe that these behaviours are commonplace or don’t have consequences. This is wrong. Substantial penalties can apply for breaching academic integrity (see Penalties for breaching academic integrity below for more information).