High Blood Pressure Essay


In the United States, one person in every three adults has high blood pressure, and it is almost impossible to notice the problem in time (What is High Blood Pressure?, 2012). However, the problem exists, and high blood pressure can damage the heart and blood vessels during a long period of time without any symptoms (What is High Blood Pressure?, 2012).Healthcare: High Blood Pressure Essay

Today, I am here to inform people on the causes and risks of high blood pressure. The main points that I plan to discuss are the nature of high blood pressure; causes and risks of high blood pressure; and the important blood pressure numbers as indicators of the problem.

High blood pressure is often known as hypertension. Blood pressure can be defined as the force of blood affecting the arteries’ walls when the heart is beating. When the pressure rises, it is possible to speak about hypertension; and during years, hypertension is not characterized by any signs or symptoms (High Blood Pressure – A Silent Killer, 2003). What are the causes and risks associated with hypertension?

The causes of high blood pressure are often associated with such chronic diseases as diabetes, kidney and thyroid diseases. Age and gender are also important factors because hypertension is typical for elderly persons and for women taking birth control pills (What Causes High Blood Pressure?, 2012).

The consequences of this serious condition are negative. High blood pressure can cause coronary heart diseases, stoke, and even blindness (What is High Blood Pressure?, 2012). However, there are ways to prevent and control the problem.