Health Policy Outline Essay

I. Introduction

A. Provide background: Governments have gotten much more involved in the regulation of healthcare over the last few decades. In countries around the world, including the United States, governments are now dictating policy, forcing citizens to purchase insurance or even providing a state-run healthcare system for those individuals to take advantage of.Health Policy Outline Essay

B. Arguable Thesis: The government’s role in countries like the United States, the UK, Germany, Canada, and France, in managing and directing healthcare resources can have a major impact on that country’s economic outcome when compared to the government’s choice not to be involved in shaping health care policy.

II. Body Paragraph #1
A. Topic Sentence: Governments can save their country money by getting involved in health care policy.

i. United States spends more money on health care as a function of GDP than any other developed nation in the world.
ii. One of the bases for establishing the Affordable Care Act was looking to reduce the amount of money spent by citizens on their health care.
iii. Governments with more efficient systems are spending less money than the United States on health care provisions.
B. Summary Sentence: Evidence suggests that when governments have the opportunity to get involved in health care policy, they have the chance to save their countries money.Health Policy Outline Essay

III. Body Paragraph #2
A. Topic Sentence: Governments without much government involvement in health care can see their costs rise, causing problems with GDP.
i. Much of America’s struggle with its economy has been linked to the large amount of money that the country spends on its health care per capita.
ii. These costs can be attributed not just to a lack of government involvement in providing health care systems, but also to a lack of government involvement in setting overall health policy. When overall health policy is not dictated from the top, people have bad habits, and they tend to have more expensive problems in healthcare.
iii. Without government involvement in health care, individual insurance providers and doctors tend to do very well economically, but at the same time, the people who depend upon the health care system can find their situation to be a major struggle overall.

B. Summary Sentence: Countries that lack the infrastructure to have involvement of the government in setting overall health policy can see problems with their economy, with the United States being a great example, as the country has lagged behind from an economic perspective because the citizens of the country have spent entirely too much of their money on health, depriving them of the ability to pour their money back into the economy in other, more productive ways.Health Policy Outline Essay