Health Care on Disease Transmission

Health Care on Disease Transmission

The routes of infection spread are chiefly by means of pathogenic agents. These can spread from animal to animal or human to human by a variety of transmission modes (Hurst, 1996, pg.9). Microorganisms are transmitted through several routes, namely contact transmission, droplet, airborne transmission, and vector borne (Hurst, 1996, pg.9). Human exposure can occur by direct contact transmission, which involves contact with a pathogenic agent or organism from an infected animal, through open wounds, abraded skin or mucus membrane. There is a droplet form of spreading, which happens as droplets that have micro organisms are produced from a contaminated being by air and may be through coughing, talking or sneezing. Airborne transmission occurs by the spread of airborne droplet nuclei of evaporated droplets containing microorganisms or through dust particles containing an infectious agent (Hurst, 1996, pg.10). Vector borne transmissions are those diseases transferred by an arthropod or insect vectors, such as mosquitoes, fleas or ticks.Health Care on Disease Transmission