Health Care Economics Research

Health Care Economics Research

Insurance program for employees is a major part of the compensation package. Employees are attracted towards a company who is offering a competitive compensation package which also includes medical insurance. In fact, Health care economics is related to the study of demand and supply of health care services (Henderson, 2009). It helps in determining the level of health care services consumed in a country or region. Around the world, health care economist strives to evaluate and achieve an optimal level of utilization of health care services at which both the consumer and supplier are entertained with the highest level of satisfaction.Health Care Economics Research Paper

Insurance can be bought to cover a range of circumstances – theft, unemployment, health, car accidents – and just about anything of value (Folland et al., 2012). One would get quotes from a few insurance companies before deciding which one suits ones needs best. If one asks questions about what the company will pay if a claim is made, such as, will it pay for replacement of an item or only what the item was worth at the time of the claim. If one has problems with one’s insurance plan provided by company, try to resolve them through the company’s complaints or dispute resolution procedures first. If one is unhappy with the outcome, the employee should take corrective measures in this regard (Diana & Jean, 2000).