HCA 545 Module 2 Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations

HCA 545 Module 2 Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations

HCA 545 Module 2 Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations

HCA 545 Module 2 DQ 1 and 2 Tasks

In team building, discuss ways in which you develop a team and set an objective/mission, and discuss how and why you would develop a team and what would you do at the conclusion of the mission. Why is it important to define each team member’s role and responsibility? Should all team members be involved in all project activities, meetings, and discussions? HCA 545 Module 2 Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations

HCA 545 Module 2 DQ 2
Regarding the importance of team building retreats and/or training sessions, discuss the effectiveness of those you have been involved in. What effect did they have on your performance and attitudes in the short run and the long run? Did they fulfill their stated objectives? Did they fulfill your expectations?

Regarding the importance of team building retreats and/or training sessions, discuss the effectiveness of those you have been involved in.

When I worked as a Staffing Coordinator our department was under Clinical Services for 17 years and was moved under the HR Department. The HR department had a total of 6 departments that directly reported to it. Our team consisted of a team of 5 administrative staff that worked out of our Cumberland facility, and 185 employees that worked at one of our 26 facilities. The admin team were told that there would be an offsite team building exercise on a Thursday. We thought it would be an opportunity to see the other members of the team and to get to know them. The HR department is housed at the Regional office and our Staffing office was located in another facility 26 miles away. We had not formally met the HR team, and we welcomed the idea. When we arrived, there was a brief introduction of the staff, and the facilitator of the meeting. It was a guy who was seated in the middle of the room with a microphone and a desk for him to sit. We turned our attention to him to hear what he had to say. He had a 2 monologue about himself and his experience with racism. Not only were we (the Staffing Dept.) confused we didn’t know why or what we were to get out of his stories. We had a break for lunch and then returned back to the session. The facilitator was gone, and it was HR and the Staffing department in the room. HCA 545 Module 2 Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations.

The question was asked was there any concerns that anyone wanted to discuss. Of course, the Staffing team had none because we really didn’t know why we were there. One member of HR started crying saying that someone on their team was sending emails to compliance regarding the way she address the staff, one person was saying that people walked by them in the morning and won’t speak, which made that person feel like they weren’t important enough for them to give good morning greetings. One person was saying they didn’t trust certain members of their team. One person said that there was favoritism being shown to certain people. One person said that some people didn’t carry their weight on the team and was always late with their submissions. My God. We didn’t know what a hornet’s nest that we had been hooked up to. Because our staffing admin team was so small, we relied on each other and when one person needed help, we helped each other out. We didn’t have nor had we ever heard so much dysfunction in one group. We were shocked. We listened with our mouth open and our ears too. There really wasn’t a resolution they just aired out all, and I mean all of their dirty laundry, and a couple of them shared some secrets. It was a hot mess. HCA 545 Module 2 DQ 1 and 2 Tasks. HCA 545 Module 2 Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations

What effect did they have on your performance and attitudes in the short run and the long run?

Honestly, it had no effect on my department because we weren’t experiencing any of those concerns. I cannot say how it affected the other members of the team because they were in another location 26 miles away. We did not have any additional “Team Retreat Meetings” with HR. Within the next year our department was moved under Operations.

Did they fulfill their stated objectives?

I don’t know. There wasn’t any additional follow up with our department.

Did they fulfill your expectations?

I didn’t have any expectations. We still don’t know how everything started. We don’t know if there was any resolution, and honestly, we feel that we should have been left out of the whole situation and they should have discussed it among themselves. HCA 545 Module 2 DQ 1 and 2 Tasks. HCA 545 Module 2 Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations