Gender and Human Sexuality Essay

Gender and Human Sexuality Essay

At the end of the quarter, you should be able to

1. discuss sexuality as an important component of one’s personality. 2. explain the importance and dimensions of human sexuality. 3. analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality. 4. assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behaviour. 5. relates the importance of sexuality to family health.

6. discuss the signs, symptoms, and effects of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

7. enumerate steps in the prevention and control of STIs.

8. analyze why abstinence is the most effective method for the prevention of HIV and AIDS and other STIs. 9. follow government policies in the prevention and control of HIV and AIDS (RA 8504 or Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act). 10. explain other government efforts in ensuring a clean blood supply to prevent issues and problems related to sexuality (RA 7719 or Blood Services Act of 1994). 11. apply decision-making skills in managing sexually-related issues. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

Are you ready?
You may first consider doing some activities that will brighten you up while expressing your knowledge about sexuality as an important component of one’s personality.

A. DIRECTIONS: How much do you know about gender and human sexuality? Find out by answering the following questions. Write your answers in your activity notebook. 1. What term defines a man or a woman based on biological characteristics? a. sex

b. gender
c. sexuality
d. androgyny
2. Which of the following illustrates gender?
a. Miguel loves to cook.
b. Marco does not cry in public.
c. Hazel has a positive body image.
d. Ahmed is attracted to Felicity.
3. What do you call the sets of activities that society considers as appropriate for men and women? a. gender role
b. gender identity
c. gender equality
d. gender sensitivity
4. Why is it important to understand human sexuality?
a. We will all be mature adults.
b. We have similar sexuality issues.
c. There is a specific age for developing one’s sexuality. d. It will help us build a better relationship with ourselves and others. 5. Which characterizes a good decision? Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper
a. Easy to make
b. Makes your friends happy
c. One that your teacher told you to make
d. Arrived at after a thoughtful consideration of consequence/s

B. DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements. Analyze your personal stand on each item. Write a short explanation why you agree or disagree with it.

1. Teaching is a job for women.
2. Men have no right to cry in public.
3. Both men and women can be police officers.
4. It is the responsibility of both parents to take care of their children. 5. Both the father and the mother should share in meeting the financial needs of the family.

C. DIRECTION: Before you start studying the next lesson on human sexuality, you are going to answer the self-inventory test about STI and HIV/AIDS.

How familiar are you with STIs HIV AIDS?
1. I have never heard of them or I have heard of them but don’t know what they are. 2. I have some idea what they are, but don’t know why or how they happen. 3. I have a clear idea what they are, but haven’t discussed them. 4. I can explain what they are and how do they occur what they do that may affect family life.

Have you made a personal health plan on how to protect yourself from risky sexual behaviour? 1. I have neither planned nor thought about it. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper
2. I have planned but not thought about it.
3. I have planned but not practiced it.
4. I have both planned and practiced it.

D. DIRECTIONS: For each of the following topic, place a check mark in the cell if it describes your experience.

Have read it
Have heard it
Have seen a TV or movie production
Have written a report paper on it


Refusal Skill

Blood donation/transfusion

E. DIRECTIONS: Fact or Fiction: Are the following statements true or false? Write true or false on the space before the number in order to find out your knowledge in sexually transmitted infections particularly HIV/AIDS. When you finish this module, you will have the opportunity to plan for yourself on how to avoid being infected with HIV/AIDS and live a healthy lifestyle in order to have a healthy relationship with your family. 1. A person can acquire HIV/AIDS from using intravenous syringe used by the infected person 2. Most sexually transmitted infections can be treated and cured without medical attention. 3. If an HIV/AIDS woman gives a normal birth to a child, her child may have a greater chance of being infected too. 4. A person always knows when he or she has a sexually transmitted infection. 5. People who get sexually transmitted infections have a lot of sex partners. 6. All types of sexually transmitted disease can be cured. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

7. Parental consent is needed before you are treated for a sexually transmitted disease if you are under 18 years of age 8. You can have no symptoms, yet be infected with a sexually transmitted disease and be able to pass it on to someone else. You can get several sexually transmitted diseases at one time.

Lesson 1 – Gender and Human Sexuality

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to do the following:

1. discuss sexuality as an important component of one’s personality. 2. explain the importance and dimensions of human sexuality. 3. analyze the factors that affect one’s attitudes and practices related to sexuality. 4. assess personal health attitudes that may influence sexual behaviour. 5. relates the importance of sexuality to family health. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper


Write your targets on what you expect to learn after reading and
accomplishing this learning material.

Lesson 1
Gender and Human Sexuality


Sexuality involves the physical, mental, social, emotional, and

ethical dimensions of one’s personality.


Here is someone who wrote about herself in a poem. Read and analyze how the author wanted to express herself.

Sexuality means you have to be aware of yourself better. As you grow older, you will experience a range of social, emotional, and physical changes. As these occur, you need an intensive knowledge on how to deal with your attitudes and behaviour. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

Graffiti You!

On a half-size cartolina, write quotations, sayings, slogans, and so on that will describe and reveal your likes, passions, and aspects of your personality. After sharing this in class, you can post it on your bedroom walls and be inspired! A sample has been done below.

Sexuality can be best understood through the help
of the people around you.


How I See Myself – How Others See Me

Listed below are characteristics which may or may not represent you. Using the icon at the left side, see if you can rate yourself. After you are done, fold the paper in half and ask a classmate to rate you.

Extrovert _____
Selfish ____
Confident _____
Aggressive ____
Shy _____
Attractive _____
Good listener ____
Approachable ____
Liked _____
Fun ____
Sincere ____
Irresponsible ____
Kind _____
Dependable ____
Other/s: ______________________

Extrovert _____
Selfish ____
Confident _____
Aggressive ____
Shy _____Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper
Attractive _____
Good listener ____
Approachable ____
Liked _____
Fun ____
Sincere ____
Irresponsible ____
Kind _____
Dependable ____
Other/s: ______________________

Extrovert ______
Selfish ______
Confident ______
Aggressive ______
Shy ______
Attractive ______
Good listener ______
Approachable ______
Liked ______
Fun ______
Sincere ______
Irresponsible ______
Kind ______
Dependable ______
Other/s: ________________________

After accomplishing this task, compare your response with the answers of your classmates regarding your characteristics. Are they the same? Do your classmates see you as you see yourself? Reflect on this matter. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

Healthy sexuality encompasses the following characteristics:

Fill up the pieces with the words/phrases hat describe your personality. Afterwards, fix the puzzle.

What figure have you formed?
What picture do you see that comprise the individual’s personality? What do you think will happen if you lack any of these pieces?

Below is a diagram showing health attitudes that can influence sexual behaviour. Which of these do you possess?

Levelling Off

Please read and analyze the following key terms.


Gender Assumptions

1. giving birth
2. making a living
3. fixing the broken faucet
4. doing household chores
5. helping the children with their homework


Write the changes that you expect as you mature from a boy/girl to a man/woman. Copy the example figure below and write your own figure in your activity notebook. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper


Society Says
In your activity notebook, copy the table as shown below and write words or phrases that you associate with the words masculine and feminine.

Example: breadwinner

Example: babysitter

The aim of education for human sexuality is to develop in a boy the characteristics of the personality belonging to his sex, and in a girl the characteristic of her own sex, thus turning a boy into a mature man and a girl into a mature woman,

Using Life Skills to Improve Sexual Health

The life skills that are mentioned below will give you the tools to deal with problems both big and small.

Assessing your Health means evaluating your well-being periodically. This includes your sexuality. Figure out what you can do to improve your health if it is not as good as it can be.

Making Good Decisions means making choices that are healthy and responsible. You must have the courage to make difficult decisions and stick to them. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

Communicating Effectively. Communication skills help you avoid misunderstanding by expressing your feelings in a healthy way. This means if you listen to what people say, they will want to listen to you as well.

Practicing Wellness can be accomplished through information about good sexuality.

Setting Goals or aiming for something that will give you a sense of accomplishment. Just be sure to be realistic with your target goal.

Refusal Skill is a way to say no to something that you don’t want to do. This skill requires practice. But first, you must feel strongly about what things you want to avoid.

Evaluating Media Messages is being able to judge the worth of media messages. It is a big challenge knowing that most media messages are very convincing


Give an example of a situation for each of the life skills learned. Explain how you will use each skill in these situations? Write you answer in your activity notebook.

Which of the life skills do you feel will be the easiest one for you to use? Which is the most difficult to use? Explain your answer.


Making Good Decisions

In your activity notebook, label the page with the letters D E C I D E vertically. Use the six steps in decision making in going through this activity.

1. Your classmates are going to a party this weekend, this is the first time that you are asked to attend by a friend but then you discern that your parents will not approve it. You don’t want to make your friends angry by not going, but you also don’t want to get in trouble with your parents. Determine what decision you should make. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

2. One of your closest friends tells his/her problem and asks for your support. He got his girlfriend pregnant / she got pregnant. How can you show your support and stand firm with the morals that having children should be the choice of matured individuals under the blessing of marriage?

The following guide questions may help you decide.
Is it safe?
Is it legal?
Is it healthful?
Does it show respect for me and others?
Does it follow norms and standards of society?



Follow the instructions below to help you complete the poem “I Am” and make it a poem about you. Write this in a whole sheet of paper. Post it in the display area of the classroom. I Am
Line 1:I am (write your name).

Line 2:I am the child of (write the full names of your parents). Line 3:I am the grandchild of (write the full names of your four grandparents). Line 4:I am the sibling of (write the first names of your brothers and sisters, if any). Line 5:I am the friend of (write the names of a few friends). Line 6:I am (write three descriptive words that describe you). Line 7:I am a (write something that you do well – for example, I am a volleyball player). Line 8:I am a resident of (write the name of the barangay and the city in which you live). Line 9:I am (write your citizenship). Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper


Dealing with People

We all encounter people in our lives. Here are some descriptions of people. In your activity notebook, jot down some positive ways of dealing with each type of personality. 1. Show off (people who would like to be the center of attraction whenever possible). 2. Worriers (people who worry about everything).

3. Gossips (people who spread rumors and often exaggerate information). 4. Bullies (people who use threats, fear, and cruelty to control others). 5. Whiners (people who grumble and complain about everything).


How Well Do I Know Myself

On your activity sheet, trace your left and right hand on each side of the paper. Each finger represents a characteristic of a healthy sexuality.


Male versus Female

In your activity notebook, copy the Venn diagram as shown below. Write the roles played by male and female in the space provided. In the space where the two circles meet, write the common roles played by both. Where they don’t join, write their specific roles. Choose the specific roles from the box below. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper



You can reflect and understand better your personality by accomplishing the activity below.


Read and reflect on the article below.


Role Play

To better analyze the factors that affect the attitudes and practices related to human sexuality, you are going to internalize a given character.

Gather your classmates, group yourselves into five (5). Each member of the group will assume the role of any of the following:

1. one who grew up in a very religious family
2. one who was raised by authoritative parents
3. one who has been strongly influenced by media
4. one who has good friends from the opposite sex
5. One who has been educated in an exclusive school

You are given ten (10) minutes to prepare a short skit. Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper

Each group shall present the skit in two (2) minutes.
After the presentation, analyze the factors that shape the sexual attitudes of the various characters. Answer the following questions. Use them as your guides.
What are the factors that shape our sexual attitudes?
How do these factors positively or negatively affect our sexual attitudes? What can we do to maximize the negative effect of these factors on our sexual attitudes? Gender and Human Sexuality Essay Paper