Explain the importance of pressure points in the body and why is important relating to health.

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Explain the importance of pressure points in the body and why is important relating to health.

Explain the importance of pressure points in the body and why is important relating to health.


please provide the following:

– a brief history of acupuncture and emphasize important timelines.
-where it originates
-explain the importance of pressure points in the body and why is important relating to health.
-what are the benefits( financially,physical, mentally, spiritually)
-what are the risks (physical, mentally, spiritually)
-statistics on the risks and benefits of acupuncture
-statistics on specific benefits of acupuncture relating illness( heart disease, diabetes, chronic pain, headaches, etc)
conclusion: this is a persuasive speech, I need persuade my audiences why acupuncture therapy is far more beneficial than traditional medicine