Evidence-Based Public Health Policy Essay

Evidence-Based Public Health Policy Essay

Tools for Integrating the Best Information

The inclusion of evidence-based approaches into health systems and communities can result in better medical outcomes. Several tools can help caregivers “integrate the best information with public health policy and practice” (Fielding and Briss 976). The first tool is the Health Impact Assessment (HIA). HIS makes it easier for policymakers and caregivers to make the best decisions to offer better health support.Evidence-Based Public Health Policy Essay

The tool examines the socio-economic and physical issues within the community. The tool also examines the health challenges affecting the targeted population. Systematic Reviews (SR) are formal processes used to identify relevant scientific facts. Such facts increase the level of medical transparency and understandability. Practitioners and nurses use the tool to collect information and make informed healthcare recommendations (Fielding and Briss 973).Evidence-Based Public Health Policy Essay

The third set of tools includes “participatory researches, analytical and modeling models, and economic evaluations” (Fielding and Briss 976). The authors exclude some important tools such as Community Data Collection and analysis systems. These systems allow practitioners to gather accurate data and make informed healthcare decisions.