Do individuals have the right to self-determination, the right to have access to health education and medical treatment and/or nursing care?

Do individuals have the right to self-determination, the right to have access to health education and medical treatment and/or nursing care?


Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements The authors of chapter 8 discussed disclosure of HIV/AIDS status in regard to human rights. They posed these questions, which serve as starters for discussion: “Do individuals have the right to self-determination, the right to have access to health education and medical treatment and/or nursing care? Is freedom to live without fear of stigma, discrimination, and violence a right that should be expected and protected? What, if any, obligation do resource-rich countries and governments have to respond to disease and poverty in resource-limited regions? Acknowledging the overwhelming data that link HIV/AIDS-related stigma, discrimination, and punitive sanctions to the spread of HIV infection (UNAIDS, 2007b, 2008c), does the need to stigmatize and isolate those who are viewed as “other” serve the global public health?” In…