Discuss the importance of a change agent and a guiding team.

Discuss the importance of a change agent and a guiding team.
LDR 615 Importance of a Change Agent and a Guiding Team

Discuss the importance of a change agent and a guiding team. What is the purpose of each, and what traits make them successful?

Apryl Thimsen
Posted Date
Nov 2, 2021, 5:18 PM
Hi Class,
Change agents can be described as someone who communicates the vision of the company or the organization as well as someone who requests change within the organization. Change agents can be both internal or external parts of the organization in order to help change occur in both ways. “A change agent is anyone who has the skill and power to stimulate, facilitate, and coordinate the change effort” (Lunenburg, n.d). The guiding team is there to help support and guide the organization to the change that is occurring. The purpose of the change agent is to be a consultant, trainer, and researcher (Luenburg, n.d). They understand and will take the necessary steps to ensure the change is successful and beneficial for the organization. Both change agents and the guiding team can be successful in helping each other by the traits that they have including, communication, trust, and motivation.

Lunenburg, F. C. (n.d). Managing change: the role of the change agent. Naaee. https://naaee.org/sites/default/files/lunenburg_fred_c._managing_change_the_role_of_change_agent_ijmba_v13_n1_2010.pdf
Steven Mingura
Posted Date
Oct 31, 2021, 2:47 PM
In the world of organization, and even just the world in general, there are some consistent, and the most controversial one of these is change. Change is inevitable, looking at the pace of how everything has changes since I was a kind in the late 80’s and early 90’s, it a needed advent for ventures to succeed. Some aspect to help procure change is the use of change agents. Defined as follows, “Change agents are the human face of change. They are often employees within an organization who exist as part of a ‘change network’.
As a whole, change agents make new initiatives more relatable. They contextualize change for teammates. And, when a change is embedded through a large organization this way, everyone is more likely to engage.
But change agents don’t just act as advocates and teachers. They also gather essential feedback that informs manager recommendations and interventions. A well-managed change agent network enables the organizational change to achieve its desired KPIs.
So, the role of a change agent (a.k.a. champion, conversation lead, subject matter expert, whatever you want to call them) has three parts:
1. To champion change across the organization
2. To guide colleagues through change in a relatable way
3. To feedback to the change manager
Most change agents do this alongside day-to-day work. So it is important that team leads factors in time for them to fulfil their roles as agents”. (Herbert, 2021)

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LDR 615 Importance of a Change Agent and a Guiding Team
LDR 615 Importance of a Change Agent and a Guiding Team

Another aspect is the use of a guidance team which is defined as, “a group of individuals within an organization who are the social leaders of the change initiatives. These individuals bring expertise, energy, and perspective across a variety of areas. Further, peers respect their professionalism”. (Carpen, 2021)

Herbert, W. (2021, October 27). What is the role of a change agent? Teamtogether. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from https://teamtogether.io/blog/the-role-of-change-agent
Carpen, K., PhD. (2021, July 6). Change Management – Step 2: Build a Guiding Coalition. Viral Solutions. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from https://viralsolutions.net/change-management-step-2-build-a-guiding-coalition/

Erica Richmond
Posted Date
Oct 31, 2021, 1:23 PM
Replies to Apryl Thimsen
Change Team Considerations
Hi Class,
Thank you for the wonderful discussions regarding the significance and purpose of change teams. If you were assembling a change team, what would be your key considerations when selecting your team? Why?
Dr. E
• JA
Jessica Albracht
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 1, 2021, 8:33 AM
Replies to Erica Richmond
Some key considerations I would look at when selecting my team would be to have a variety of individuals on the team. I would want people that would actually be helping with the implementation, and get idea from them about the process and how to get the team excited about the change vision. I would also want people on the team the are subject matter experts of the change so that it can be successful as well.
• SM
Steven Mingura
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 1, 2021, 9:33 AM
Replies to Erica Richmond
Dr. E,
One of my key consideration in selecting a team is communication and deliverence. In my work histroy when change happens, Ive had the opportunity to be a part of the transition team. During this I was part of a team with a memeber who was disconnected from the team. He didnt communicate much with us, not his stakeholders other then change is coming. He also had the deliverence that was concerning. It was change is gonna happen wheather you like it or not. This made our progress much harder as we had to put out the fires he created.
• AD
Amy Doblado
replied toErica Richmond
Nov 1, 2021, 12:17 PM
Replies to Erica Richmond
Creating an effective team to lead a change management project is challenging; however, several skill sets should be included within the guiding coalition (Hayes, 2018). If I were to assemble a team, I would focus on finding great communicators and proactive, organized, and influential individuals )Hayes, 2018). Effective communication techniques are vital to building trust among the stakeholders and the staff executing the change. Individuals who are proactive and well-organized are essential to the planning phase and can develop implementation strategies. Lastly, influential people have the capacity to elicit an emotional response and convey the importance of change effectively, which will increase employee engagement and buy-in.
Hayes, A. (2018, May 17). 10 tips for choosing effective team members. About Leaders. https://aboutleaders.com/effective-team-members/#gs.emxdse