Discuss systolic or diastolic murmur

Assignment: Developmental theories
January 26, 2022
Assignment : Therapeutic and Forensic Roles
January 26, 2022

Discuss systolic or diastolic murmur

Discuss systolic or diastolic murmur

Discussion: systolic or diastolic murmur

Permalink: https://nursingpaperslayers.com/discussion-systo…diastolic-murmur/ ‎

Question 4. Question : How should you determine whether a murmur is systolic or diastolic?

Palpate the carotid pulse.

Palpate the radial pulse.

Judge the relative length of systole and diastole by auscultation.

Correlate the murmur with a bedside heart monitor.

Question 5. Question : A 78-year-old retired seamstress comes to the office for a routine check-up. You obtain an electrocardiogram (ECG) because of her history of hypertension. You diagnose a previous myocardial infarction and ask her if she had any symptoms related to this.Which of the following symptoms would be more common in this patient’s age group for an AMI?

Chest pain


Pain radiating into the left arm

Pain radiating into the jaw

Question 6. Question : On examination, you find a bounding carotid pulse on a 62-year-old patient. Which murmur should you suspect?

Mitral valve prolapse

Pulmonic stenosis

Tricuspid insufficiency

Aortic insufficiency

Question 7. Question : Which of the following correlates with a sustained, high-amplitude point of maximal impulse (PMI)?





Question 8. Question : A 68-year-old woman with hypertension and diabetes is seen by the nurse practitioner for a dry cough that worsens at night when she lies in bed. She has shortness of breath, which worsens when she exerts herself. The patient’s pulse rate is 90/min and regular. The patient has gained 6 lbs over the past two months. She is on a nitroglycerine patch and furosemide daily. The explanation for her symptoms is:

Kidney failure

Congestive heart failure

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor induced coughing

Thyroid disease

Question 9. Question : When listening to a soft murmur or bruit, which of the following may be necessary?

Asking the patient to hold their breath.

Asking the patient in the next bed to turn down the TV.

Checking your stethoscope for air leaks.

All of the above.

Question 10. Question : You notice a patient has a strong pulse and then a weak pulse. This pattern continues. Which of the following is likely?


Asthma exacerbation

Severe left heart failure

Cardiac tamponade