Discuss its relevance today and how it has guided the development of nursing in Fiji

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Discuss its relevance today and how it has guided the development of nursing in Fiji

Discuss its relevance today and how it has guided the development of nursing in Fiji

Choose one of the following nursing theorists to base your assignment on: -Virginia Henderson -Dorothy Orem -Madeleine Leininger -Callista Roy -Betty Newman -Jean Watson PART A:POSTER Prepare a poster about the selected theorist and her theory.The use of illustrations and pictures are mandatory.The poster should include: -Biographical and background information about the theorist and theory. -Make it attractive and colourful poster. -Print on A3 paper and laminate. -Appropriately referenced. PART B:WRITTEN PAPER Prepare a written essay that discusses the practical application of the selected theory to modern nursing practice in Fiji. -Use examples from your clinical experience to help support your discussions. -Discuss its relevance today and how it has guided the development of nursing in Fiji. – Please include Five reference list and in-text referencing.