Discuss factors, processes and strategies which contribute to the development of successful teamwork in professional health contexts.

Discuss factors, processes and strategies which contribute to the development of successful teamwork in professional health contexts.


Read the following case study information.

1.Use the ethical decision making principles and frameworks you have studied in this unit to conduct an ethical review of the issues raised by the case study situation.
2.Discuss factors, processes and strategies which contribute to the development of successful teamwork in professional health contexts.

In both these discussions you need to reference current professional research of an appropriate academic standard.

Emergency department
Mr Mohammad and NFR in the terminal stages of cancer

Mr Asif Mohammad is admitted to the Emergency Department via ambulance.

Mr Mohammad is a 69 year old man in the terminal stages of cancer. A ‘Not For Resuscitation’ order (NFR) was placed in his hospital notes. He has been cared for at home for the past 2 weeks and had expressed his wish to die in his own bed with his family around him. When his condition deteriorated his daughter panicked and called for an ambulance. When the ambulance crew arrived they commenced resuscitation and took him to the Emergency Department where resuscitation continued for a time. Eventually Mr Mohammad was declared dead and the family informed.

In debriefing the case the team rostered on in the ED disagreed about what happened