Discuss at least three effects of differences in healthcare systems on global health [I am looking for specific effects (whether positive or negative) like medical tourism etc.

Discuss at least three effects of differences in healthcare systems on global health [I am looking for specific effects (whether positive or negative) like medical tourism etc.

Around the World based on text The Healing of America by Reid.


After watching the documentary
answer the following question in one page (Single spacing using a font size of 12)

Identify at least four countries and discuss the differences in their health care systems. Conclude this section by stating your preferred health care system and the reason why. (3 points).
Discuss at least three effects of differences in healthcare systems on global health [I am looking for specific effects (whether positive or negative) like medical tourism etc.] (3 points).

Healthcare systems tend to be national NOT global – explain two innovative ideas around healthcare systems that you would recommend to WHO for implementation in order to have galvanic improvements in global health. (4 points).