Diet and Exercise Controversies Essay

Diet and Exercise Controversies Essay

Both good diet and regular exercises are important for individuals to stay healthy. However, there are many controversies that surround exercises and diet. Some people argue that particular foods are better than others. With regard to exercises, some individuals think that they have negative effects while others argue that it is important to exercise regularly.Diet and Exercise Controversies Essay

There have been controversies on the best diets for disease prevention. Vegetarians argue that diets based on plant products prevent cancer and heart diseases. They also hold a view that the diets can even treat the diseases. They base their argument on the fact that people who eat a lot of meat are more likely to get cancer and heart diseases when compared with vegetarians.

Books have been written to support this view but arguments presented in the books have been regarded as unconvincing. In addition, the argument that keeping large mammals for consumption is unhealthy has been supported by many people. Documentary films have been developed and they all reveal dangers of consuming a lot of meat .Diet and Exercise Controversies Essay

The diet controversy is heightened by individuals who promote paleolithic diets. They argue that human beings are supposed to eat plants and meat as vegetables and fruits rather than grains. According to them, large amounts of proteins and low carbohydrates cause chronic diseases.