Describe the core business of the company. Provide full details of its different activities and or business segments.

Describe the core business of the company. Provide full details of its different activities and or business segments.

  • Describe the core business of the company. Provide full details of its different activities and or business segments.
  • Discuss the industry that the chosen company operates in. For example, is it a growing or declining industry; which are the main competitors of the company and what are they doing, etc.  Ensure you discuss the implications of these factors.
  • How the company is funded vis-à-vis internal or external sources? Critically analyse the financial structure of the company?
  • Describe key elements of Financial Performance reported by the company in the annual report.
  • Has this company reported any event that occurred after the reporting date? Describe the event.
  • Were there any changes in accounting policies disclosed in the annual report? If yes, describe those changes.