Demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of research processes by clearly identifying strengths and weaknesses of methodologies/approaches used by authors whose work have been reviewed.

Describe the methods used to search for evidence and the inclusion/exclusion criteria used.
May 1, 2020
Demonstrate your understanding of how inequality shapes access to life, medicines and biotechnology (and how different people enter into the organ trade for many different reasons).
May 1, 2020

Demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of research processes by clearly identifying strengths and weaknesses of methodologies/approaches used by authors whose work have been reviewed.


Demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of research processes by clearly identifying strengths and weaknesses of methodologies/approaches used by authors whose work have been reviewed.


A 6000 word literature review project, which critically analyses and evaluates one aspect of professional practice relevant to Paramedics.
i) build on skills, knowledge and understanding gained in the previous courses, and demonstrate the ability to critically analyse and evaluate an aspect of literature relevant to paramedic practice
ii) demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of research processes and critiquing skills throughout the review,
iii) develop and utilise information and communication technology in order to maintain an understanding of recent innovations and development in care
iv) based on evidence outlined, propose and justify a set of recommendations for practice at local level
An abstract of no more than 500 words (not included in word limit) which includes an outline of the topic reviewed, the scope of the review in terms of breadth of the literature search, a summary of the main
issues addressed and arising, conclusions drawn and recommendations for further investigation, and practice development.
A table of contents with chapter headings and sub-headings, references, and appendices.
The main review, divided into appropriate chapters, references, and appendices
Chapter 1. Introduction
This section should outline the rationale, aims and objectives of the review. Background information to the topic reviewed should be provided. The topic/question should be clearly introduced and set within the theoretical / philosophical context of your area of study. For example, how does it relate to the degree studies the student is undertaking? Why is it necessary to undertake the review? Key writers in the field must be included to provide a contextual background for your review
Parameters set for the literature search should be explained (e.g. time limits relating to the year of publication of the papers reviewed, and language limitations relating to the search, databases searched, key words used and hits achieved).
N.B –Allocate approximately 200 words to the parameter section of this chapter
(Chapter 1 – approximately 1000 words)

Chapter 2. Critical Review of the Literature
This chapter should be organised according to the themes. Such themes should emerge from the primary research gathered for your review.
Relevant research based evidence should be described and critically discussed. The quality of the discussion is particularly important. Student should attempt a critical analysis, which is both coherent and balanced.
The literature review should be structured in a way, which moves from general consideration of the topic to a more specific focus. Generally, the chapter should conclude by identifying clear themes from the literature relevant to clinical practice.
The student will be required to demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of research processes by clearly identifying strengths and weaknesses of methodologies/approaches used by authors whose work have been reviewed.
(Chapter 2. approximately 4000 words).

Chapter 3. Conclusion
The limitation of the review needs to be acknowledged. Provide an overall conclusion placing the Key themes emerged from the review, within the context of professional practice. Implications and recommendations for future practice should be identified.
(Chapter 3. approximately 1000 words).