Define how Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) enable the faculty to evaluate the student’s learning?

Define how Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) enable the faculty to evaluate the student’s learning?

NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 3

Define how Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs) enable the faculty to evaluate the student’s learning?

Classroom Assessment Techniques

Classroom assessment techniques (CAT) are relatively quick and easy formative evaluation methods that help you check student understanding in “real time”. These formative evaluations provide information that can be used to modify/improve course content, adjust teaching methods, and, ultimately improve student learning. Formative evaluations are most effective when they are done frequently and the information is used to effect immediate adjustments in the day-to-day operations of the course.

When CATs are used frequently, they can have the following impacts for faculty:

provide day-to-day feedback that can be applied immediately;
provide useful information about what students have learned without the amount of time required for preparing tests, reading papers, etc.;
allow you to address student misconceptions or lack of understanding in a timely way;
help to foster good working relationships with students and encourage them to understand that teaching and learning are on-going processes that require full participation.
NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 3
NUR665 Nursing Education Practicum Week 3

For students, CATs can:

help develop self-assessment and learning management skills;
reduce feelings of isolation, especially in large classes;
increase understanding and ability to think critically about the course content;
foster an attitude that values understanding and long-term retention;
show your interest and support of their success in your classroom.
CATs fall into three broad categories based on what they are used to evaluate:

Course-related knowledge and skills
student attitudes, values, and self-awareness
Reactions to instruction methods
Following is a chart that indicates what the CAT is intended to evaluate, its name, how each is conducted, what to do with the information you collect, and an estimate of how much time is required to complete it.
Course-related knowledge and skills
Includes: prior knowledge, recall and understanding; analysis and critical thinking skills; synthesis and creative thinking skills; problem-solving skills; and application and performance skills.