Consider the finding normal and recommend recheck in 3 months Call employer for detailed record of client’s actions

Consider the finding normal and recommend recheck in 3 months Call employer for detailed record of client’s actions

A 40 year old male client with Down’s syndrome presented to his primary care APN with complaints of difficulty at work. He stated, “I can’t remember what I need to do and the boss keeps yelling at me. I have done this job for many years, I don’t know how to do anything else.” Physical exam: no abnormalities noted with heart rate 70 beats per minute, respiration 18 breaths per minute, oxygen saturation 98% on room air, blood pressure 148/84, and CBC with differential and serum chemistries with electrolytes normal.Order stat CT scan of the head Consult with physician specializing in adults with developmental disabilities Consider the finding normal and recommend recheck in 3 months Call employer for detailed record of client’s actions