Components of Role Delineation Essay

Components of Role Delineation Essay 

Components of Role Delineation

The need for further progression of professional roles came about as an innovative solution on a worldwide scale to help address “healthcare integration, coordination, continuity, access, and health care sustainability” in order to help delineate different roles in Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) and therefore implement healthcare system reforms (SGNA, 2013). This called for nurses to take on more leadership positions within all health settings and to meet the overwhelming demands from an ever-changing health care system. The nursing profession was called to further prepare to avidly contribute to the modern day objectives and sustainable improvement goals that were being set globally via strategies that exploited human resources for enhanced healthcare delivery. The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), a division of the American Nursing Association (ANA), conducted a study in 2014 and works to do so on a continual basis to ensure that all work activities, knowledge, and skills are assessed to ensure quality care, improve outcomes, and overall excel in advanced practice nursing. Components of Role Delineation Essay Paper. In essence, their findings help to develop and update testing content for the advanced nursing examinations. This is critical since there is insufficient research that specifies the tasks and roles for practice within APNs. Developing an understanding through education or by using an appropriate and reliable tool would help supervisors, managers and administration to properly deploy APNs by clearly defining their role. The list of role delineations based on Nurse Practitioner (NP) competencies, as stated by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculty (NONPF) and the AACN, are all necessary to ensure safe, quality and effective care in practice. Performing each of these in practice, is essential to being a successful NP.