Compare the positive and negative likelihood ratios for the test and discuss the implications of a positive and negative test result for breast cancer in this setting?

Discuss the implications of a positive test result and a negative test result for breast cancer in this setting? 
May 2, 2020
Discuss and analyze the theory you selected for your topic in Unit 7 and discuss how your data analysis supports the assumptions and theoretical framework and extends the knowledge about this topic.
May 2, 2020

Compare the positive and negative likelihood ratios for the test and discuss the implications of a positive and negative test result for breast cancer in this setting?

Compare the positive and negative likelihood ratios for the test and discuss the implications of a positive and negative test result for breast cancer in this setting?


Government in a developing country wish to screen women for breast cancer using film mammography where the underlying prevalence of breast cancer is 1% in the population. Compare the positive and negative likelihood ratios for the test and discuss the implications of a positive and negative test result for breast cancer in this setting? (3 marks)