Compare and contrast chimpanzee and bonobo behavior.  

Compare and contrast chimpanzee and bonobo behavior.

Compare and contrast chimpanzee and bonobo behavior.  Do you think chimpanzees or bonobos are more like modern humans?  Why do you think this?

Bonobos are larger and more aggressive than chimpanzees.  The make bonobos are prone to have high blood pressure and ulcers. They also stick together in groups for defense. Mainly, bonobos eat plants, insects and grass.  Most are tend to be violent.  On the other hand, similarly, Chimpanzees travel in groups, like bonobos do, and they both eat meat here and there.  However, chimps feed and eat mostly in trees. “Their social lives reflect ours too.  [With] political struggles for power and game even outright wars” (YouTube, The New Chimpanzees 2014).  Chimps are a humans closest relative.  They use branches and large sticks to defend themselves and throw them at enemies like humans and leopards.