Cause and effect of low organ donation in the USA Essay

Cause and effect of low organ donation in the USA Essay

The USA has more than 150,000 on the transplant waiting list at any given time and yet only about 15,000 of them end up receiving the lifesaving organs. This implies that as much as 90% of persons in the transplant list end up not receiving the required organs. As many as 22 patients die every day because of medical conditions that could have been alleviated through receiving transplant organs. This state of affairs has been blamed on low organ donations and shortage of donors. The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that the USA has legislation in place that makes selling organs illegal. In fact, many countries have such legislations. This has created a unique situation in that is only expected to worsen if organ donations are not increased since the current demand greatly outweighs the supply (Flescher, 2018; Kaserman & Barnett, 2002). As such, there is a need for the USA to develop more aggressive strategies for procuring transplant organs.