
Compare and contrast different meanings of globalization. – Identify the core processes of globalization through economic, political and cultural processes. – Provide a discussion about the relationship between health and globalization.

Essay Question: Globalization promotes better health. Critically analyse this statement with reference to political, economic and technological processes. – Succinctly introduce the concept of globalization. – Compare and contrast different meanings of globalization. – Identify the core processes of globalization through economic, political and cultural processes. – Provide a discussion about the relationship between health and globalization. – Ensure you reference this work using standard Harvard method. Recommended References: Books & Journals Books: Cockerham G. & Cockerham W. (2010) Health and Globalization Cambridge, Polity Press Steger M. (2013) Globalization: A very Short Introduction Oxford, OUP New Edition Ritzer G. (2010) Globalization: A basic text Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell?Ritzer G. & Atalay Z. (eds.) (2010) Readings in Globalization Malden, MA, Blackwell?Roberts T. & Hite A. (eds.) (2007) The globalization and Development Reader Oxford, Blackwell Latouche S. (1996) The Westernisation of the World Cambridge, Polity Press Gelinas J.B. (2003) From worldwide colonial mercantilism to globalization (EKT) In Juggernaut Politics: Understanding Predatory Globalization London, Zed Press Nester W.R. (2010) Globalization: A short History New York, Palgrave Macmillan EBook Beaglehole R. et al (2011) Priority Actions for Non-Communicable Diseases Lancet Vol. 377 Issue 9775, pp 1430-1447 Caldwell J. (2001) Population Health in Transition Bulletin of WHO Vol. 79 No 4?Dyson T. (2010) Population and Development: the demographic transition London, Zed Press Golden I. & Reinhart K. (2012) Globalization for Development (EBook) Oxford, Oxford University Press Barratt R. et al (2007) The Environment, Risk and Public Health Milton Keynes, OUP Berridge V. & Gorsky M. (eds.) (2012) Environment, Health and History EBook, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan McNally M. (ed.) (2002) Life Support: the Environment and Human Health Cambridge Mass MIT Press Electronic Resource Global Environmental Health http://www.niehs.nih.gov/research/programs/geh/?Huynen M. et al (2005) The Health Impacts of Globalization: a conceptual framework Globalization and Health Vol.1, Issue 14 Hanefield J. (ed.) (2015) Globalization and Health Maidenhead, McGraw Hill McCracken K. (2012) Global Health: An introduction to current and future trends Oxon, Routledge Parker R. & Sommer M. (eds.) (2011) Routledge Handbook in Global Health London, Routledge Woodward D et al (2001) Global Health: A framework for analysis Bulletin of WHO, Vol. 79, No 9, pp 875- 881 http://www.who.int/bulletin/archives/79(9)875.pdf WHO Environmental Health Topics http://www.who.int/topics/environmental_health/en/ Journals: Social Science and Medicine (Hard and Electronic) http://www.journals.elsevier.com/socialscience-and-medicine Global Health Promotion http://ped.sagepub.com/content/current?Globalizations (Electronic) http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rglo20/current?Global Public Health http://www.tandfonline.com/action/showMostReadArticles?journalCode=rgph20 Globalization and Health (Electronic) http://www.globalizationandhealth.com/?The Journal of Global Health http://www.ghjournal.org/?The Lancet – Global Health Series http://www.thelancet.com/journals/langlo/latestcontent?Plos Medicine http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/issues/210753/

October 23, 2018

Compare and contrast different meanings of globalization. – Identify the core processes of globalization through economic, political and cultural processes. – Provide a discussion about the relationship between health and globalization.

Compare and contrast different meanings of globalization. – Identify the core processes of globalization through economic, political and cultural processes. – Provide a discussion about the […]
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