
Integrating Health Care Systems Essay

Integrated health systems deem to be component of the resolution to the general glitch of sustaining global healthcare structure. Various methodical literature reviews have been developed to funnel decision-makers and other stakeholders to strategize and execute integrated health schemes. The inefficiencies and inequality in health systems have persisted for long due to economic breakdown. The rationale of advancement of health systems is to improve efficiency and equity in health care provision (Boslaugh, 2013). The rationale of this paper is to compare, contrast and describe two articles related to integration of healthcare systems. Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

“Integrated health care networks in Latin America: toward a conceptual a framework for analysis” is an article by ML Vázquez, and “Ten key principles for successful health systems integration” by E Suter (Retrived from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3004930/).

Integrated health systems are considered as right step towards the challenge of sustainability (Lorenzi, 2005). The efforts to ensure that the state of health care system across countries include introduction of health care networks. This system is also known as integrated health care delivery system. Other efforts include guiding health professionals and other related stakeholders to strategize and execute integrated health care configuration (Kronenfeld, 2004). Integrated health care systems are generally believed to offer greater performance in terms of safety, quality as a result of standardized protocols and effective communication. However, these results have not been fully realized (Joumard , 2010). Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

These two articles were published in 2009. There is need to integrate health care systems since they are characterized by overrated expenses, sluggish public disbursement on health as part of gross domestic product, as well as gross inequalities (Mesa-Lago, 2007). In both articles the health care systems are integrated to meet patient needs, to ensure comprehensive services across the health care scheme, consistent care delivery between professional groups, information coordination, performance management, physician integration, organization leadership and culture, financial management, and governance construction (Retrieved from http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?pid=S1020-49892009001000012&script=sci_arttext).

Suter descried the condition of health systems in Canada while Vázquez elaborate about the state of health care condition in Latin America (Geyndt, 2001). Health care system in Latin America has been jeopardized by economic breakdown, gross inequalities, and overrated expenditure. On contrary, health care is greatly affected by service demand, gradual cost inflation, as well as staff shortages. In both articles endeavors to integrate health care structure face hindrances. In Canada, efforts for integration are affected by inadequate information related to executing and integration-linked initiatives (Rathwell, 1994). That is the information is isolated and not easily accessed. On the other hand, despite integration in health structure in health systems, the issues of inequalities still prevail in health services. Recent study reveals that health care integration in Canada is not sustainable in the modern form (Morrison, 2013). Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

In conclusion, calls for superior integration of health care service delivery, as an approach to attend to equity of efficiency and access, have been demonstrated in health reforms by multilateral institutions and national governments across the world. These efforts include proper planning to help the health care professionals to make superior decisions as well as the introduction of integrated health care networks. These efforts will strengthen the capacity of health care systems. The objective of these reforms is to improve overcoming inequalities as well as improving efficiency. The only remaining part is to ensure there are appropriate strategies to analyze the capability of the alterations being put into place to deliver integration plans.


Boslaugh, S. (2013). Health care systems around the world: a comparative guide. New York, NY: SAGE publishers.

Geyndt, W. D. (2001). Improving the quality of health care in Latin America. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 13(2), 85-87.

Health care comes home the human factors. (2011). Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

Integrating mental health into primary care: a global perspective.. (2008). Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization ;.

Joumard, I., André, C., & Nicq, C. (2010). Health Care Systems. Paris: OECD.

Kronenfeld, J. J. (2004). Chronic care, health care systems, and services integration. Amsterdam: Elsevier JAI.

Lorenzi, N. M. (2005). Transforming health care through information (2nd ed.). New York: Springer.

Mesa-Lago, C. (2007). Social Security In Latin America: Pension And Health Care Reforms In The Last Quarter Century. Latin American Research Review, 42(2), 181-201.

Morrison, J. (2013). CPhA and other health care professions: Working for a better health care system. Canadian Pharmacists Journal / Revue des Pharmaciens du Canada, 146(3), 171-172.

Rathwell, T. (1994). Health Care In Canada: A System In Turmoil. Health Policy, 27(1), 5-17.

SciELO Salud Publica. (n.d.). SciELO Salud Publica. Retrieved August 25, 2014, from http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?pid=S1020-49892009001000012&script=sci_arttext

Suter, E., Oelke, N., Adair, C., & Armitage, G. (1930, March 6). Abstract. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Retrieved August 25, 2014, from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3004930/

Completing this assignment will require anywhere from 60-80 minutes. It will count as two response papers. This documentary is a case study in policy making. It helps us to learn about the mechanisms of making laws at the national level for high profile policies in America. In particular, this case focuses our attention on the role of powerful and wealthy interest groups in Washington, and how they can easily influence government and sway laws to their benefit. It also helps us to lean about who has power over and in government, who is represented, who has voice, influence, and who doesn’t. Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

Please, watch “Obama’s Deal: PBS Documentary Exposing Corruption and the Role of Big Money and Powerful Lobby in American Policy Making Process”

You may start filling out the questionnaire while you are watching the documentary. Simply copy these 14 questions into your response paper and answer them in the order of appearance. 1. What immediate problem did the president run into when initiating the healthcare reform? 2. Obama’s administration believed that taking on a healthcare reform is a test of what in American politics? According to Obama, it was intended to prove what? 3. Who opposed the healthcare reform under both Clinton and Obama? Who stood to lose from the healthcare reform? 4. What did the propaganda ads funded by insurance lobby advertise to the American public about the healthcare reform? Whose interests did they keep in mind when doing that? 5. Who could get to the congressional hearings on the healthcare reform? Was there anyone representing 50 million uninsured Americans at the congressional hearings? Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

6. While powerful insurance lobbyists initially stated that they would support the reform, what did they request in return and why? (hint: they wanted some feature added to the bill, what is that feature?) 7. Senator Baucus received $2.5 millions from insurance interest groups to do what? Whose interests did he represent? 8. Who is denied a seat at the negotiation table about the healthcare? Who is removed physically by guards from the press conference in the White House? 9. When in Congress senator Baucus introduced “Medicare prescription drug bill”, it was a payoff to drug and pharmaceutical industries for what? Who did the bill benefit (financially)c? 10. Insurance lobbyists (Ignani being one big player) spend tens of millions of dollars to defeat the health bill through ads that created panic, scare, rumors, and etc. Why? What is at stake for insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists if a meaningful healthcare reform took place?

11. The answer to this question would require some speculation on your part: why do you think many Americans bought the negative campaign ads against the healthcare reform that were manufactured by the insurance lobby? Why did some ordinary Americans end up siding with greedy insurance and pharmaceutical lobbyists, even though saving money and health of working Americans is the last thing that those lobbyists cared about? 12. What does this documentary show us about the role of money and powerful interests in American politics? For whose benefits laws are made or blocked? Based on this case study, what would you say about who controls American political process? 13. What have you learned from this documentary that either reinforces or contradicts information from the textbook chapter 11 about interest groups? 14. Anything else you wish to state about your reaction to this case study in policy making: Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

Background and further readings on healthcare policy in the U.S.: Healthcare is one of the most contentious policy areas in American politics. Some of the most conspicuous issues with healthcare provision in our country are: -medical bills are the leading cause of bankruptcy for middle class and low income households in America -Insurance premiums and co pays are too high and limits for patients with preexisting conditions are numerous; insurance industry is fairly unregulated and has monopoly on setting the rules of the game on who and how they cover. -50 million Americans remain uninsured, with elderly, students/young, and workers in low paid or part time jobs that offer no health insurance benefits most affected. Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

We do not have a public health option that would offer a choice aside from private care, just like we have public education/universal education for any American who does not wish to spend tons on private education -while we have such programs as Medicare (for the elderly), Medicaid (for low income families), and emergency rooms, they do not cover all those who need medical care; states became strict with qualifications for such programs, cutting funding and eliminating many Americans from qualifying. Emergency rooms, if you have been to one, do not offer quality care, preventative treatment, and many other essential services. Insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions; insurance plans have limits and co-pays that many people simply cannot afford once faced with a serious illness. -Healthcare is too expensive and inaccessible to many

-What reforms are needed to address such disparities in healthcare? And more importantly, in our political system what reforms can or cannot be made? This documentary provides one way to think through the structure of policy making process in America. Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

Supplementary/suggested readings:
Start with understanding facts, numbers, and myths about Obama’s Affordable Care Act: http://www.whitehouse.gov/healthreform
Margaret Flowers: Obamacare did not go far enough, we still need universal health coverage for Americans: http://www.thenation.com/video/168604/margaret-flowers-obamacare-doesnt-go-far-enough# Number of uninsured Americans rises to 50.7 million:

http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-09-17-uninsured17_st_n.htm Census data on health coverage in America:
http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hlthins/data/incpovhlth/2010/highlights.html Republicans who benefit from Obama’s healthcare bill are torn about the candidates: http://www.cnn.com/2012/10/06/health/republicans-conflicted-obamacare/ Listing some benefits for women under Obama’s healthcare bill, particular for potential cancer patients: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10021447151

Three myths about Obama’s Affordable Care Act:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Noq_tktemE0 Republican presidential candidate Romney on healthcare:
http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/05/opinion/krugman-romneys-sick-joke.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0 Public opinion about Obama’s healthcare bill: healthcare is
complex in terms of public opinion–while a majority favored it’s repeal, large majorities actually favored each aspect of the law. Moreover, with the Supreme Court’s upholding the law, this seems to have made it more popular (but made the Court less so): Integrating Health Care Systems Essay Paper

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