CAM Research and development.

Discuss, giving examples, how infectious diseases can spread worldwide in a rapid manner and relate the role of climate and the global spread of infectious diseases.
What do you believe to be the major challenges in CAM use and CAM research? What would you do or suggest to addressing such challenges?
The creation of a clear research plan in the UK will undoubtedly be necessary given the expansion of complementary medicine and its integration into conventional treatment. This essay covers conversations between practitioners of both conventional and alternative medicine that took place under the auspices of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine. It is the first document that defines a research strategy for complementary and alternative medicine and is based in the UK. It focuses specifically on issues like priority setting, research methodology, research capacity and support, potential funding sources, and potential channels for the dissemination of CAM research. It comes to the conclusion that CAM needs to undergo close examination if it is to have a secure future in UK healthcare.