
Guidelines for your response posts:

· Respond to at least one classmates’ posts prior to Sunday midnight.

· Response posts must be at least 100 words (equivalent to at least 1/4-page of double-spaced 12-pt. font text) or more.

· All discussion boards should be submitted in APA style (7th edition).

· discussion board response posts require at least one outside and peer-reviewed article as a reference in your posts. Please choose a reliable source, sources such as Wikipedia are unacceptable.



What is your Implicit Bias

Due on: Sunday, June 13 at 11:59 pm

Implicit bias involves associations outside conscious awareness that leads to a negative evaluation of a person on the basis of irrelevant characteristics such as race, age or gender.  The assignment is to take any one of the Implicit Association Tests (IAT) to measure attitudes and beliefs you may not know about consciously.  The IAT may be especially interesting if it shows that you have an implicit bias attitude that you did not know about.  For example, you may believe that women and men should be equally associated with science, but your automatic associations could show that you (like many others) associate men with science more than you associate women with science


1.Log on to the Implicit Project:


2.  Follow the directions and take an IAT on a topic of your choice

3.  What did you discover about yourself?

4.  Were you aware of the implicit bias you had toward the characteristic you selected?

5.  How will you use this information to guide your nursing practice?





Here is the post to rely to below (support the paper or refute but in a respective manner).



Implicit Bias

Question Two

I chose a topic regarding religion. Since I am a Christian, I was also given a choice to select my preferences for Islam and Judaism. Religion was the best option for me because it is usually more biased than other topics. Additionally, religion is universal to everyone. It applies to all career and life choices.

Question Three

IAT (Implicit Association Tests) shows that people can click topics that relate more closely in their minds. For example, Judaism or Islam and good or bad were placed on the same sides. They were then alternated (Carpenter, Pogacar, Pullig, Kouril, Aguilar, LaBouff, & Chakroff, 2019). For me, I discovered that I had more preference for Christianity compared to other religions. In addition, I knew more about Islam compared to Judaism. I also noted that I knew less about Judaism. Since I am a Christian, I think I know about some aspects of Judaism that I was not aware of.

Question Four

To my surprise, I was not aware that I had more bias when it came to Christianity. Since I am a strong Christian, any other religion is secondary to me. In many scenarios, I would choose Christianity over other religions. Due to my biasness toward Christianity, the test switched to include Judaism and Islam. Though, I would prefer other faiths like Buddhism to be included in the trial. I know more about Buddhism and Islam compared to Judaism which was on the test. It has come to my attention that I have not made serious attempts to learn more about other religions.

Question Five

By taking this test, I have understood that the human mind is always biased. Regardless of what we say, we usually conceal our real feelings. Such knowledge is vital when it comes to making decisions during nursing activities. Having good communication skills, I would know the correct choices to make. For instance, patients usually describe their history of smoking or eating unbalanced diets. However, they mostly conceal some vital information. The patients may want to avoid embarrassment, or they could have forgotten about some aspects. They usually give more minor degrees of descriptions compared to their actual accuracy (Narayan, 2019). As a nurse, I would have to consider the best options when administering treatment.

Furthermore, I would try to learn more about other religions. In my work, I will interact with people from different faiths and cultures. Knowing more about other religions like Muslim or Judaism, I would have better communication with patients. Additional knowledge in these religions will also increase my perspective on the world of religion and its relation to nursing. For example, different patients do different rituals in hospitals, such as prayer. Understanding these religions will make me connect with patients in the religious sense. As a result, I would assist them on their path to recovery. Some patients believe that prayer and faith usually hasten their recovery.












Carpenter, T. P., Pogacar, R., Pullig, C., Kouril, M., Aguilar, S., LaBouff, J., … & Chakroff, A. (2019). Survey-software implicit association tests: A methodological and empirical analysis. Behavior research methods, 51(5), 2194-2208.

Narayan, M. C. (2019). CE: addressing implicit bias in nursing: a review. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 119(7), 36-43.