Bone Healing Stages Expository Essay

Bone Healing Stages Expository Essay

According to Johnston (n.d), bone healing after a fracture undergoes the reactive, reparative, and remodeling stages. However, healing may be complicated because of bleeding disorders and surgical risks.Bone Healing Stages Expository Essay

According to Johnston (n.d), the reactive bone healing stage lasts for two to three weeks. This is a very painful and inflaming stage. When healing starts, hematoma, the extravascular blood clot, which forms around the injured site because of the death of blood cells, constricts the flow of blood. Within the fractured area, fibrocartilaginous callus develop and replicate, forming granulation tissue which seals the fractured area (Browner, Jupiter, Levine & Trafton, 2002).Bone Healing Stages Expository Essay

That leads to the second reparative stage. At this stage, periosteum replicates and transforms to chondroblasts, which bridge the fracture. The phase takes between four and eight weeks. The tissues formed at this stage grow into fracture callus and form heterogeneous tissues. The remodeling stage comes last and involves the fractured site remodeling itself and correcting deformities a result of the fracture. The stage takes one to several years (Browner, Jupiter, Levine & Trafton, 2002).