Birth Defects’ Common Causes

Birth Defects’ Common Causes

Unfortunately, to many parents, having a baby with a birth defect sounds like a life sentence that they did not deserve. While there is a certain stigma attached to children born with such defects, they are far more common than one may think. Moreover, while the specific causes are not yet well understood, certain steps can be taken by soon-to-be parents to increase the chances of a healthy child.Birth Defects’ Common Causes Essay

Birth defects are “structural changes” that can affect any body part of a newborn, impacting its appearance or functionality, or both (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention par. 3). The child’s health state and life depend not only on what body part is affected but also on how severely it is affected, as birth defects can range from mild to serious. Contrary to popular opinion, they are quite common. Globally, about six percent of all children (approximately eight million people) are born with some kind of a serious birth defect (Lobo and Zhaurova 1). In the United States, that is approximately 120,000 infants, or one in every thirty-three babies, affected each year (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention par. 2). Moreover, currently, birth defects account for about one-fifth of all newborn deaths, which makes them the leading cause of infant mortality in the United States (Marusinec par. 2).Birth Defects’ Common Causes Essay