Assignment: Side Effects of Chewing Tobacco

Assignment: Side Effects of Chewing Tobacco

Assignment: Side Effects of Chewing Tobacco

Question 1.

1. Your patient has been using chewing tobacco for 10 years. On physical eamination, you observe a white ulceration surrounded by

erythematous base on the side of his tongue. The clinician should recognize that very often this is: (Points : 2)

Malignant melanoma

Squamous cell carcinoma

Aphthous ulceration

Behcet’s syndrome

Question 2.

2. Which of the following would be considered a “red flag” that requires more investigation in a patient assessment? (Points : 2)

Colon cancer in family member at age 70

Breast cancer in family member at age 75

Myocardial infarction in family member at age 35

All of the above

Question 3.

3. The pathophysiological hallmark of ACD is: (Points : 2)

Depleted iron stores

Impaired ability to use iron stores

Chronic uncorrectable bleeding

Reduced intestinal absorption of iron

Question 4.

4. It is important to not dilate the eye if ____ is suspected. (Points : 2)


Macular degeneration

Acute closed-angle glaucoma

Chronic open-angle glaucoma

Question 5.

5. A 66-year-old patient presents to the clinic complaining of dyspnea and wheezing. The patient reports a smoking history of 2 packs of

cigarettes per day since age 16. This would be recorded in the chart as: (Points : 2)

50 2-pack years

100-pack years

50-year, 2-pack history

100-pack history

Question 6.

6. When teaching a group of older adults regarding prevention of gastroesophageal reflu disease symptoms, the nurse practitioner will include

which of the following instructions? (Points : 2)

Raise the head of the bed with pillows at night and chew peppermints when symptoms of heartburn begins.

Raise the head of the bed on blocks and take the proton pump inhibitor medication at bedtime.

Sit up for an hour after taking any medication and restrict fluid intake.

Avoid food intolerances, raise head of bed on blocks, and take a proton pump inhibitor before a meal.

Question 7.

7. A 56-year-old male complains of anoreia, changes in bowel habits, etreme fatigue, and unintentional weight loss. At times he is constipated

and other times he has episodes of diarrhea. His physical eamination is unremarkable. It is important for the clinician to recognize the

importance of: (Points : 2)

CBC with differential

Stool culture and sensitivity

Abdominal -ray


Question 8.

8. Dan G., a 65-year-old man, presents to your primary care office for the evaluation of chest pain and left-sided shoulder pain. Pain begins

after strenuous activity, including walking. Pain is characterized as dull, aching; 8/10 during activity, otherwise 0/10. Began a few months ago,

intermittent, aggravated by eercise, and relieved by rest. Has occasional nausea. Pain is retrosternal, radiating to left shoulder, definitely

affects quality of life by limiting activity. Pain is worse today; did not go away after he stopped walking. BP 120/80. Pulse 72 and regular. Normal

heart sounds, S1 and S2, no murmurs. Which of the following differential diagnoses would be most likely? (Points : 2)

1200 × 965