Assignment: Pain Management Care

Assignment: Pain Management Care
Assignment: Pain Management Care
Assignment: Pain Management Care

practice as a foundation for all types of pain

management care. Both definitions help

capture the intricate nature of the pain

experience. The IASP definition infers the

multidimensionality of the phenomenon

of pain by stating it is both physical and

emotional, though an emphasis is noted

on the sensory nature of pain. McCaffery’s

definition emphasizes the subjective nature

of the pain experience and situates clients

Exploring the Theory of Integral Nursing with Implications for Pain Management Practice Susanne M. Tracy, PhD, RN and Pamela P. DiNapoli, PhD, RN, CNL University of New Hampshire

26 International Journal for Human Caring


Inadequate attention is paid to the role of theory in guiding practice. three main factors

affect the use of theory to guide clinical practice: insufficient theory knowledge, insufficient

administrative support to encourage the development of theory-based interventions, and

the busy task-oriented climate of many nursing settings. Pain management is a vexing

problem confronting clients and healthcare professionals. the primary purpose of this

paper is to introduce scholars and clinicians to the basic tenets of Dossey’s (2008) theory of

integral nursing to aid nurses in designing client-centered pain management interventions

grounded in the theory’s main constructs of holism and healing.
272012, Vol. 16, No. 1

as the primary authority on the pain

experience, thereby prompting clinicians

to pay closer attention to clients’ description

of their lived experience of pain rather than

relying on a standardized definition of pain.

From a holistic perspective, all elements that

comprise the pain experience are equally

important and frame clients’ perception of

pain, the behaviors clients use to manifest

the impact of the pain experience, and

clients’ responses to varied methods used

to treat pain. Being knowledgeable about

pain management practice is an expected

competency of every registered nurse, yet


nurses continue to describe barriers

that impede the management of clients’ pain

(Rejeh, Almadi, Mohammadi, Kazemnejad,

& Anoosheh, 2009). The literature supports

the notion that nurses’ knowledge and

attitudes about pain management is linked

to their ability to help clients successfully

manage pain; updating knowledge about

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