Assignment: Goals Of Healthy People

Reliability and Validity Assignment.
December 3, 2021
Baccalaureate Prepared Assignment
December 3, 2021

Assignment: Goals Of Healthy People

Assignment: Goals Of Healthy People

Assignment: Goals Of Healthy People


Week 1 discussion Discussion Part One Discuss one historical epidemiological event or accomplishment that has left an impact on healthcare as we know it. Clearly identify, describe, and define key points or people in the event or accomplishment. Discussion Part Two How might such an event have an impact on the goals and objectives of Healthy People 2020? Discussion Part Three Please provide a summary of the case or information you have discussed this week.


Healthy People 2020
Healthy People 2020 is the federal government’s prevention agenda for building a healthier nation. It is a statement of national health objectives designed to identify the most significant preventable threats to health and to establish national goals to reduce these threats. The vision of Healthy People 2020 is to have a society in which all people live long, healthy lives. The overarching goals of Healthy People 2020 are to: attain high-quality, longer lives free of preventable disease, disability, injury, and premature death; achieve health equity, eliminate disparities, and improve the health of all groups; create social and physical environments that promote good health for all; and promote quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all life stages. The plan contains 42 topic areas, including 13 new topic areas. There are 24 objectives regarding heart disease and stroke specifically, and more in related areas that are relevant to heart disease and stroke.

See the Healthy People 2020 Topic Areas and Objectives Cdc-pdf[PDF–2M]External.

CDC and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute are leading a group of federal partners to track the nation’s Healthy People 2020 objectives to combat heart disease and stroke. In addition to defining and tracking heart disease and stroke objectives, Healthy People 2020 includes clinical recommendations, community interventions, and consumer information related to heart disease and strokeExternal.

For more information on Healthy People 2020, including publications available for downloading, please see the Healthy People 2020 Web si