Assignment: Determinants liking another

Assignment: Determinants liking another

Assignment: Determinants liking another


Assignment: Determinants of whether you will like another person ?

1. What does Aronson say is one of the most powerful determininats of whether you will like another person ?
a. If that person likes you
b. If that person and you are about equally attractive
c. If that person and you have similar attitudes
d. If you have high self-esteem
Explain your reason for selecting this answer.
Maximum number of characters (including HTML tags added by text editor): 60,000
Question 6 of 6
10.0 Points
6. According to the Aronson textbook in Chapter 8, why is it important to express one’s feelings rather than one’s judgments about another person?
1. What does Aronson say is one of the most powerful determininats of whether you will like another person ?
a. If that person likes you
b. If that person and you are about equally attractive
c. If that person and you have similar attitudes
d. If you have high self-esteem
Explain your reason for selecting this answer.
Maximum number of characters (including HTML tags added by text editor): 60,000
Question 6 of 6
10.0 Points
6. According to the Aronson textbook in Chapter 8, why is it important to express one’s feelings rather than one’s judgments about another person?
It’s something called reciprocal affection – which simply means that we tend to likepeople more those who like us. This is part of the unconscious mind, which drives us to like the person more. It’s probably a good idea to let him know that you like him too (but not blatently).

The principle of proximity is the tendency for people to form social relationships with individuals who are physically closer to them. Proximity means how close an object or person is physically to you. Someone sitting next to you on a bench is closer in proximity than a person sitting three rows away. The principle of proximity shows that individuals are more likely to form social relationships with people who are closer in proximity to them. You are much more likely to befriend your neighbor or coworker because you are exposed to them more so than a person who lives further away or who works at another place. People who are around each other more are more likely to develop a social relationship.