Assignment: Case Goal Identifying

Assignment: Case Goal Identifying
Assignment: Case Goal Identifying


Week 2 – Assignment 2 Assignment 2: Practicum I Journal Entry 2 This is your second out of six journal assignments in this course. Write a 300–500-word journal entry covering the following: Identify two or three goals for this week that you have established for yourself related to Practicum I. Review and reflect on how you met these goals this week. Explain how you integrated two concepts or content areas from Week 2 into your practicum experience this week. Identify your area of greatest learning this week.

As the end of the year draws near, I have a tendency to reflect on the goals I’ve accomplished and start to think about the things I would like to do in the year ahead. But goals are a tricky thing. Set a bad goal and you could end up wasting time and energy. Set a wrong goal and you could end up in a situation you really didn’t want.

For instance, let’s say I set a goal to learn how to code. There’s nothing wrong with coding, right? Correct. But if I’m not looking to become a full-time coder, I might want to make sure that this goal doesn’t take up all of my time, preventing me from having goals related to my full-time occupation

The difference between goals and objectives

Often we use the terms goals and objectives interchangeably. While they are related, they’re not the same thing.

Goals are long-term achievements. They’re usually future-focused and don’t include actual steps to accomplish the goal. For example, a company might say they have a goal “to be number one in customer satisfaction”. That’s the goal. But it doesn’t outline how the goal will be accomplished.

Objectives are specific achievements to help you reach the goal. Typically, they’re measurable and have a timeline. If we use the goal example above, an objective might be “to improve customer satisfaction scores by 5 points each quarter”.

Using my example above of learning how to code, here are an example of a goal and an objective:

Goal: “I want to learn how to code well enough to attend a hackathon.” There’s no way I’m going to learn coding overnight, so it’s a long-term goal. It’s future focused and doesn’t have any specific steps on how I plan to achieve the goal.

Objective: “I’m going to download the Hopscotch app to my iPad and complete one activity a day.” This is very specific – download an app and complete one activity a day.