Arguments for and Against Abortion Essay

Arguments for and Against Abortion Essay

Abortion is a medical procedure whose purpose is to terminate a pregnancy by removing an embryo or a fetus from the uterus of the pregnant woman. Women employ it as a solution to unwanted pregnancies; from teenage pregnancies to rape victims or unplanned pregnancies amongst adults. It is a contentious issue that continues to dog societies all over the world. Some people support it, they are known as pro-choice persons, while other strongly oppose it and therefore fall into the pro-life category. Using two articles as my sources of information, I shall compare the two different perspectives of the divide concerning this issue, in the following paragraphs. The articles describe arguments in favor of abortion and against abortion based on women’s rights.Arguments for and Against Abortion Essay

According to, it is important that even in looking into the subject of abortion, we ought to recognize the woman as an individual or person. We should not overemphasize the needs and rights of the fetus and undermine those of the woman carrying it in her womb as they are important as well. Nonetheless, it should be noted that pro-choice advocates hold the fetus in high regards.

Abortion is attached to women’s rights significantly as it directly and enormously affects their lives. Every aspect of her life from education, to employment and even her family is influenced. It comes with many decisions and responsibilities that bring about changes in the lives of these women. It is for this reason that the woman should be given the sole discretion whether to end the pregnancy or continue with it. Teenage mothers normally have bleak futures. To begin with, they drop out of school. To fend for their children, they depend on the community. Also they may develop health problems due to their tender age.