Analyze and apply research to clinical practice

Analyze and apply research to clinical practice

Care analysis of a service user experiencing acute and challenging mental health problems:
Demonstrate a biopsychosocial understanding of a service users experience and an evidence based approach to your suggested intervention. The service user should have complex needs, which can offer challenges to services. An example of this might be:
A service user who is admitted informally to an acute in patient unit where the doors are locked. The service user may be presenting with depression, alcohol withdrawal and ideas of self-harm.
Care analysis should identify:
– Service users presenting problems, from the biopsychosocial perspective
– Risk assessment and management
– Recovery principles and engagement processes
– Legal and ethical dimensions, such as deprivation of liberty
– Role and responsibilities of the mental health nurse

The client history and presentation should be put in as an appendix
Module aims:
• Identify and explore the biological, psychological, social and cultural factors that impact on mental health
• Enable the student to demonstrate expertise in eliciting a full biological, psychological and social history and to critically examine the links between causation, symptomology, treatment and management of challenging mental health presentations
• Facilitate the exploration of the experience of acute and challenging presentations and critically analyse knowledge and experience to make clinical judgments
Demonstrate competence in the use of care planning to promote service user independence and recovery
Knowledge and Understanding
• Understand the biological explanations of mental health problems addressed with psychological and social perspectives of human responses and behaviour
• Evaluate data to identify and define acute / challenging presentations, analyse the use of specific nursing interventions and, informed by best available evidence, utilise a collaborative approach when formulating and evaluating assessment and interventions used

Intellectual Skills
• Analyse the legislative frameworks, ethical dimensions and policy context in relation to complex mental health presentations
• Analyse and apply a variety of assessment tools and frameworks in relation to challenging mental health needs and presentations
• Analyze and apply research to clinical practice