Analysis of an Age Related Topic Essay

Analysis of an Age Related Topic Essay

Define the problem.
Identify the specific population affected.
Describe cultural implications.
Describe financial/legal/ethical implications for the population related to the problem.
Describe 2-3 interventions that can be used to improve the problem.
Describe resources available to improve the problem.
Describe costs associated with the interventions identified.
Discussed sustainability of the interventions.
Support your responses with examples.

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Gulliver’s Travel writer Jonathan Swift wrote ‘that all people would like to live long, but no one would want to grow old’, even though age, or aging, is a natural process, an integral and inseparable, end-of-life, because finally, we are all ‘the dust of the past and the seed of the future’. Awareness of belonging to a period of life marked as old is as natural as the periods of childhood, youth, middle and adulthood. Reasonable acceptance of the times of the age does not affect the disruption of previously harmonized primarily mental characteristics. Oriental civilizations insist on classifications of human life spans – childhood to 30 years, youth to 60, middle age to 90, and age 90 to onwards. Today’s science of human biology concludes that, in optimal climatic-geographical, social, economic, hygienic-dietary and other similar circumstances, the life span should be an average of 100 years. Preventive medicine instructs us to adhere to the so-called healthy habits and taking responsibility for personal health, because until people themselves understand and accept as their own “lifestyle” life according to the “Gods”, that is by natural laws, doctors cannot change anything about their health and the length of their lives. While working as a researcher on the Comprehensive Cardiovascular Community Control Program (CCCP) an international research project popularly called “Your Heart is in Your Hands” in the 1970s, when preventive health care programs were promoted at the International Primary Health Care Conference held at Alma Ata (Kazakhstan) in 1978, the Declaration was adopted, which was a turning point in access to health and healing. In it, the World Health Organization (WHO), among other things, formally recommended the cooperation of conventional medicine with traditional medicine. Then, clear instructions were given on how to establish this cooperation. The slogan of the Declaration was “Health to all to 2000”. The Declaration provides a new definition of health: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, not just the absence of illness or disability.” And it could be inferred that when it comes to age and aging, what stands out in the definition as being taken from Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, best known for creating the pseudoscientific system of alternative medicine called homeopathy, who in his “The Organon of the Healing Art ” and in “Organon of Homoeopathic Medicine” said: “In a healthy spiritual vitality, dynamism that invigorates the material body, rules unlimited influences and keeps all parts of the body in perfect, harmonious, amazing action, related to sensations and functions, so that our reason endowed with reasoning can freely apply this healthy instrument living for the greater purpose of our existence. Analysis of an Age Related Topic Essay” We would say: everything goes out of our heads! When it starts to age and aging it depends not only on the age, but also on where we live, i.e. from the state we live in. In other words, age is not just about age. With how old people will begin to experience health problems such as hair loss, heart attack and neurodegenerative diseases, it varies significantly from state to state. Aging has been investigated taking into account health, not longevity, so 92 diseases have been identified that come with age and lead to impaired physical and mental health. Most commonly, these are cardiovascular disease and cancer. That difference may be greater than a convincing three decades. Also, a low carb diet can shorten life by up to four years on average. An independent team of researchers analyzed the health data of residents in 195 countries and found that people of different generations feel like 65-year-olds (the ‘Bismarck age limit’) depending on where they live. “Aging slowly” in Japan, Switzerland, France, Singapore, Kuwait, South Korea, Spain, Italy, Puerto Rico and Peru, as people living in these countries have a life expectancy of 74.3-76.1 years equal to 65-year-olds. In contrast, the “fastest-aging” people in Papua New Guinea, Marshall Islands, Afghanistan, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Central African Republic, Lesotho, Kiribati, Guinea-Bissau and Micronesia, with people living in these countries at 45.6 – 55 years old feel equal to 65-year-olds. The calculations are based on the Sociodemographic Index (SDI), which is based on indicators such as average income, education and overall fertility rate. The study found that, in addition to the fact that people in developing countries have shorter life expectancies, the population of countries with lower SDI and age faster. The analysis found that diseases associated with aging account for more than half of all adult health problems worldwide. There is much talk and debate about the Hunsa, an Asian people who have already achieved longevity, they are almost never sick, and they always look youthful thanks to genes. They are a real example that the lifestyle, approximate to the ideal, really exists. From the experience of many newcomer aliens who have moved to the Hunza River Valley, they have concluded that a major factor in their long life is a healthy diet. The book “Hunza – People who don’t know about the illness” by R. Bircher highlights the basics of their diet, claiming that they are crucial for a long and healthy life: vegetarian diet, large amount of raw foods, dominance of fruits and vegetables, natural – so-called, organic products, free of artificial (in) chemistry, foods that are prepared by storing all biologically valuable ingredients, while alcohol and sweets are rarely consumed, and all this with regular fasting – periods of starvation. At an International Congress on cancerous diseases in Paris in August 1977, experts announced that, according to geo-cancerology, complete absence of cancer on planet Earth exists only in the Hunza people. Their always smiling faces and good mood also contribute to their better mental and physical health. A Chinese magazine described an incident in 1984 when a the Hunza named Said Adbul Mobuda, showing a passport, confused immigration workers at London’s Heathrow Airport: born in 1832, he was 160, considered a protégé in the Hunza people, remembering the events of 1850. We can’t all pretend to be geography and climatic features of the Hunza people habitat, but we can draw lessons from their traditionally healthy lifestyles, as well as the well-informed recommendations of WHO modern and traditional medicine. Analysis of an Age Related Topic Essay Because chronic non-communicable diseases, which are the cause of the short life span of most people today, are neither contagious nor incurable, but they are “contagious” our health-inadequate habits with which to be decisive and radical. The saying: “Resist in the beginning, the cure comes late, when the evil took hold because of the long hesitation” has a far-reaching message and great coverage – calculation and complete abandonment of dependence on anything and exaggeration in anything!!! Understanding the above is crucial in combating the challenges that come with an aging population. It is useful to take anything from physical activity, through smoking cessation, drug and narcotics abuse, staying in nature, walking outside polluted urban areas, hiking, biking, swimming, fitness … choosing healthy foods and beverages in your daily diet, work balance and rest, enough night sleep … to better organize the health system, which is not prohibited or denied in any community. Of course, we do not all have the same genetics, or the ability to endure anything and everything that life carries and represents, so it is not possible to give such precise instructions as to what to do and what age it should refer to, but the conclusion is unambiguous: there is no other rules for a long and healthy life, apart from the “sacred” rule that taking responsibility for one’s own health in accordance with contemporary knowledge and publicly given recommendations, practicing healthy living habits as a daily lifestyle is an irreplaceable instruction. There is a great deal of insistence today on determining the presence of neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly, especially with regard to impairment or loss of memory and remembering capacity, although there is no latter guidance for their reliable and effective treatment! In this context a very “in” diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia, usually in practical work we use as a tool for diagnosis and various purposeful tests and questionnaires, which, among other things, regularly include questions about the knowledge of basic concepts and data related to the identification of time categories (date, reading of hourly rate …) of computation by subtracting the same one digit from a simple three digit number: e.g. successively 7 out of 100, or names of some of the leading figures of the current social and political scene, etc. When they do not know the answer to such simple questions, the examiner is surprised when the respondent answers: “Dear doctor, so we are not interested at all”. That’s why the message to all “older” people: engage in mental exercises, talk, read, go to concerts, theaters, cinemas, use mobile phones, research anything you care about on social networks, play chess, dominoes, “don’t be mad man ”, solving crossword puzzles, attending social gatherings and dances in the Homes for Old People, charity events and similar events, and for the end of the essay I encourage you that if you can’t remember something right away and remember it later, it’s already a good sign that you are not demented, because ‘if you remember you forgot – you didn’t forget’.Analysis of an Age Related Topic Essay