Accommodation- one party should give in to the interest of the other to resolve the conflict

Write a 10 minute presentation.

Below is the “poster board” highlights of which I will be using.


Conflict is inevitable in a working team.
Interpersonal Nursing team conflict affects the working conditions and services delivered in health centers

To identify the causes of conflict
To identify the impact of conflict
Propose possible solutions to the conflicts

Interpersonal conflicts occurs between two interdependent parties due to their incompatibility reason- age, personality, experience etc.

Types of conflicts:

Destructive- the outcome of the conflict are does not benefit any party and destroys the relationship between nursing team members
Constructive- the outcome of the resolution adds value to the relationship of nursing team improves on service delivery
Disruptive- the outcome of the conflict affects the entire nursing team and becomes a managerial issue due its escalation.
Causes of conflicts

Personality differences, beliefs, values, age, race, and gender.
Disruption of working schedules, lack of enough resources.
Misunderstandings among the nurses
Effects of conflict on nursing care

Poor service delivery to the patients
Poor relationship among the nursing team
Aggression, lack of concentration and confidence, low self-esteem to the affected parties
Improved understanding and relationship when resolved constructively
Possible solutions

Collaboration- both conflicting parties should commits themselves to resolve the conflict
Accommodation- one party should give in to the interest of the other to resolve the conflict
Competition- the interest of one party are considered at the expenses of the other
Compromise- the conflicting parties engage in a give and take resolution
Avoidance- conflicting parties are not willing/dedicated to resolve the issues