Abortion and Ethical Implications Essay

Abortion and Ethical Implications Essay

Abortion is the willful termination of pregnancy through removal of a fetus or embryo from the uterus before it is viable for delivery (Kaczor 8). This issue raises debate especially in regard to its ethical implications. The antagonist side of this debate never ceases to mention the ethical implications of abortion. The immediate ethical implication of abortion is the fact that it leads to termination of human life. This is against the moral and ethical principles that adore the sanctity and dignity of human life. Abortion is thus equivalent to murder since life begins at conception.Abortion and Ethical Implications Essay

The anti-choice activists contend that although women have the autonomy over their bodies, this liberty should not be used to terminate the liberty and right of another innocent human being, the fetus. Thus in the same manner that women assert their freedoms and rights over their body, the right to life of the unborn child must also be safeguarded (Kaczor 121).  Sexual activity and its consequences have ethical connotations. Pregnancy is one such consequence. Therefore since sexual freedoms and rights are exercised within the confines of ethical and moral standards of the society, the consequence, that is, pregnancy must not be shielded away from the light of ethics.